Hi Guys,
can i ask , what has happened to this site?
there used to be friendly banter,some real fun people when i first started......but now, the only people talking are shouting insults,the teams seem to have disappeared,the forum is filled with useless waffle,the major tournaments are always won by new players,who never seem to play again........
where are all the fun people? did they disappear over night? i cant remember any names but im sure one of them was djblack or something like that....he always made me chuckle,had an answer for anything,as well as a few others...
this place has been deserted...
can anyone tell me what has happened to them?
Right? Guys?
I don't follow any of the teams so I can't comment on that..
I think generally the forum is very interesting if you have an intense fascination with poker. If not, then sometimes it's a bit dull. There will be occasional funny threads but essentially poker is a pretty dry subject if you only have a passing interest in it.
It's apparently getting towards summer too, so there may be less traffic in these parts while the sun is threatening to make an appearance and the days are longer.
Moaning posts, useless waffle (who, me?), n00bs winning tournaments: That's just stuff that happens and is bound to happen.
You have only ever played 3 games on Sky Poker
And you have only ever posted 10 times,,,,,5 of those was in your intro thread
How can you be missing anyone already?
As for the hanging line you've put there about me that resembles a badly worded Psychology exam answer, ha ha, very good. Hi, I'm Tommy.
Best of luck at the tables Miss/Mrs/Sir/Ms
Best of luck.