It's paying £4000 so its some serious promotion! Be interesting to hear from Sky how exactly this is done and why people are in it? Fair enough if only certain players are eligable but if everyone was made aware of how these people were chosen that would be good.
It's paying £4000 so its some serious promotion! Be interesting to hear from Sky how exactly this is done and why people are in it? Fair enough if only certain players are eligable but if everyone was made aware of how these people were chosen that would be good. Posted by BUFC
i tried to find out on the live chat but was told it was a marketing promotion...they wouldnt tell me how the players were selected....typical sky poker....they dont seem to look after the little punters....
whats password for everyones a winner tonight Posted by bexyboo
Password :- Lie_Cheat & Steal Yet again you sharkscope the players most have played a handful of games at most with a couple of reg's.Seen same name multiple times in this?
In Response to freeroll : Password :- Lie_Cheat & Steal Yet again you sharkscope the players most have played a handful of games at most with a couple of reg's.Seen same name multiple times in this? Posted by belsibub
In Response to Re: freeroll : whats the password? Posted by boxy7rob07
no one will give you the password as no one wants extra people in the tournament... its for a sky promotion so if you have been invited you would have received the password. the other sky reg's in there will not give you the password as its not beneficial to them. it's harsh but true. would love to see sky sort it out.. but i doubt they will as we have had this same problem for a while
In Response to Re: freeroll : no one will give you the password as no one wants extra people in the tournament... its for a sky promotion so if you have been invited you would have received the password. the other sky reg's in there will not give you the password as its not beneficial to them. it's harsh but true. would love to see sky sort it out.. but i doubt they will as we have had this same problem for a while Posted by jordz16
It was my understanding these were the replacement for the new player freerolls so what are any reg's doing there? The template is in place to create a freeroll that does not need a password but still only lets those entitled to play reg,the Piority Freeroll does this.
As stated previously when this question has been asked, these freerolls are for various promotions etc.. from across our other products..Bet, Vegas etc..
These are not a replacement for the new player freeroll in any way.
Yet again you sharkscope the players most have played a handful of games at most with a couple of reg's.Seen same name multiple times in this?
The template is in place to create a freeroll that does not need a password but still only lets those entitled to play reg,the Piority Freeroll does this.
As stated previously when this question has been asked, these freerolls are for various promotions etc.. from across our other products..Bet, Vegas etc..
These are not a replacement for the new player freeroll in any way.