TEAM 51 is proud to present its team for this evening - GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!!!! Juschick Ste1722 imber bigal36903 T51FTW Serge77 IMikeyBoyI Darrenadd7 chris1963 DAVEYZZ MP33 Tyger lee100 dubmaster neil1970 kalooki8 boxster Posted by imber
CAN YOU PLEASE POST YOUR TEAM OR WHETHER YOUR INDEPENDENT ON THIS THREAD THANK YOU MONDAY FORUM DTD INCLUDING THE JUNE MONTHLY LEAGUE POST ON THIS THREAD BEFORE MONDAY 7-30pm. Welcome to the Forum DTD we've also got our own Facebook Page which so far has 228 Members, just search for Forum DTD(for sky poker players) your best 2 scores from 3 will count ( YOU MUST PLAY ALL 3 TOURNEYS ) see below. 7-15pm DTD 1 buy-in £2-20 8-30pm DTD 3 buy-in £2-20 7-45pm DTD 2 buy-in £1-10 New Weekly Prize Structure below based on runners playing all 3 Tourneys- - - - - - - Last week we had 99 Runners who played all 3 Sky Adam has put up the Prizes (See below) 50+ runners = Friday's Rebuy OPEN Entry 75+ runners = Saturday's £33 BH Entry 100+ runners = Thursday's £33 BH Entry The structure is 3 Tourneys lowest score wins (see below) to take part simply post on this thread BEFORE Monday 7-30pm. Here's how it is going to work. Your best 2 scores from 3 are added together & the lowest wins the Prize Your score in each tournament will be based on your finishing position. So, if you finish 1st, 25th and 92nd your score will be 1 + 25 = 26 Please note that in the event of a tie the player with the lowest finishing position in a comp will be deemed the winner eg if 2 players both finish on 30 pts and 1 finishes a tourny in 1st & the other 2nd the player finishing in the 1st place will be deemed the winner If you have any questions i will try to answer them on this thread. RIGHT THE JUNE MONTHLY FORUM DTD LEAGUE BIT As a thank you for the excellent support you all continue to show Sky Adam has increased the prizes to award the TOP 3 Places Starting on Monday JUNE 3RD and running for 4 weeks We will be running a Monthly comp alongside the usual weekly one so thats the 3rd / 10th / 17th / & 24th JUNE . It won't cost any extra it's a bonus Your best 3 scores out of the 4 will be added together and averaged Last Month we had 151 Runners The players who finish in the top 3 will win ......................... and this is where it changes 100-149 runners: 1st = £55 Primo Seat, 2nd = £33 BH Seat, 3rd = £11 Rebuy Open Seat _____________ 150-199 runners: 1st = £110 Sky Roller Seat, 2nd = £55 Primo Seat, 3rd = £33 BH Seat ______________ 200 + 1ST= £220 Seat (OR VALUE TO), 2ND=£110 Sky Roller Seat, 3rd £55 Primo Seat Posted by DTWBANDIT
I am not on the main list, can anyone see my posts!!!!!
Please add me too ty Magicalman3