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Total Player 2?



  • edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Total Player 2?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player 2? : Great idea... got a partner Beaneh? ;)
    Posted by Lambert180
    Making me cry here Paul
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2013
    - What did you think of it?
    I loved watching total player think watched every episode and like that it gave someone a chance of playing the wsop main event.
    - Should we do it again?
    defo should come back think I posted a couple of months about wanting it back saying be great getting the likes of for e.g thewy,ryan,stu rutter,redmond coaching every week which would help improve the players game even if don`t get through to next round.
    - What did you like?
    I liked the the challenges see how different players from each format did at the other formats and if they made profit/loss on the challenge overall.also liked when the mentors were selecting their top 6 then 3 then their final pick was good to see them do this on tv and why they selected that particular player.
    - What would you do differently?
    don`t know if this is true but heard that coaching was only like an hour a week by private messaging or phone call. I would like the mentors to spend more time with the players if they can maybe few hours or even do group coaching sessions with all their players and each players as a few hands each to discuss.
    - How would you chose a winner?
    don`t think the voting should be done by the community this time. I think all the mentors plus the rest of sky team should pick the rightful winner on who done best on the challenges,who has improved the most throughout the competition,who done well in all formats. So basically in general who they think best for the prize and best for representing sky.
    - What should the prize be?
    don`t think it should be one mtt event $10000 buyin I would like a package for the year for say £5k-10k to play like ukipt,gukpt,spts events and maybe the winner can select a few events he wants to playand where it suits them to travel to.

    so imo would be great for tv to have the competition back,  great for community to have discussions about the show etc, great for players that may not get to the final 3 or so but was involved and still got some coaching from mentors that may improve their game, finally great to give someone a chance to play a few events that they may not normally have a chance to play and win some moniez.

    one last thing the mentors last time got 20% back off any players winnings through the competition which I think is only fair if the mentors are putting a lot of work into this competition so should still apply.
  • 4EVERGREEN4EVERGREEN Member Posts: 244
    edited June 2013
    Am I right in thinking that Sparse was one of the three finallists last time? I haven't seen him on Sky for a long time. Does anyone know what he's doing now?
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2013
    yeah sparce made final 3 no idea what he doing now though
  • mewillowsmewillows Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Total Player 2?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player 2? : Making me cry here Paul
    Posted by CoxyLboro
    dont listen to him Chris. #paulthetraitor

    I still think youre awesome xxx

  • SmitalosSmitalos Member Posts: 543
    edited June 2013
    I would say Orford and Tikay havn't aged a bit...

    But I don't like to bluff fish.

  • CHILLIECHILLIE Member Posts: 432
    edited June 2013
     love to see the original winner of the first total player to comment on this post for his take on what he got out of it, dantb wasnt it, do sky remember him peddled his name for months as the face of sky then..................................................nothing
  • bugaloobugaloo Member Posts: 487
    edited June 2013
    needs to be a prize worth winning and something sustainable and memorable

    otherwise a waste of time
  • bugaloobugaloo Member Posts: 487
    edited June 2013
    beanehs idea is a winner

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Total Player 2?:
    needs to be a prize worth winning and something sustainable and memorable otherwise a waste of time
    Posted by bugaloo

    Disagree, I had a deep run in the first series, and didn't win. It was anything but a waste of time.

    I thought there was alot of good points from a participants perspective in the first series. 

    Can't comment on the other 2 mentors, but my mentor (David Tuchman) was great and helped me alot. 

    It felt like he was genuinely trying to help my game, and make me a better player for the future, not just to give me the best chance of winning the competition. 

    Replied to emails and was often around to chat outside of team 'hours'. Really can't have any complaints, the 6 months immediately after the compeition were by far the most profitable 6 months for me in poker (including the last 2 years).

    Not surprised to see him go on to bigger things in poker, commenting on the live wsop streams etc. 

    Agree with beaneh that some players were better at poker than the mentors, even in Tuck's group. I'm not sure how you can get around that, unless you use some of these players to do the mentoring. 

    Or aim the whole thing at players at lower stakes. 

    Not sure 'total player' would be the right name for that show though. 

    Hope it comes back, will look forward to watching it this time. Channel needs something new/exciting imo. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Total Player 2?:
    Am I right in thinking that Sparse was one of the three finallists last time? I haven't seen him on Sky for a long time. Does anyone know what he's doing now?
    Posted by

    These days, he has a job in the City, I believe, on a Trading Desk, which he loves, but it means early morning starts, so it has scuppered his poker for the time being.

    He went to Vegas one year, purchased a full computer set up out there, dual giant monitors all that stuff, installed it in his Suite in Vegas, & just grinded cash for weeks on end. When it was time to come home, he left the whole lot there, in his suite!

    I saw him somewhere quite recently, he is fine, & a really decent kid, I like him immensely.

    He used to play the nosebleed cash games on Sky Poker, no game was too big for him.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Total Player 2?:
    In Response to Re: Total Player 2? : They did last time, imo.  Pretty much unanimous win for Dan Brown, well deserved.  Probably had something to do with an incredible hero call he made where he called the guy's hand exactly down to the suits I think.  Then again, if I saw it today, I'd probably think it was standard.
    Posted by Wilhelm
    Correct. He named the villain's hand precisely - K-8. (Spades, I seem to recall).

    Oddly, Dan had EXACTLY the same hand, though different suits, obv, & got the villain off.
    Dan came to Vegas with us, & Kelly (better half) came with him even though she was expecting their first child at the time, & it was tough for her, as it was so hot in Vegas.
    First child "Thomas" was born a few months later, so life started to get complicated for Dan. He still plays on the Site, but not nearly so much.

    The other finalist (as well as Sparce) was Nutter5932, who still plays regularly on the site, & I see him now & then at places like DTD where he wears ridiculously silly hats.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013

    As you will probably have gathered by the OP, a new series of Total Player is in gestation & planning (not guaranteed to happen, but "likely"), but we genuinely want to listen to Community Feedback before we press the go button.

    I would hazard a guess that if it happens, it will be in the Autumn or early winter.
  • LnarinOOLnarinOO Member Posts: 545
    edited June 2013
    upper/middle/lower teir based league format would seem the best option.. to maybe find the final 5 or 6 players over 2 or 3 disciplines (cash /mtt / stt).. there could be mentors for easch but im sure each player would have something of their own to bring especially the highr/more experienced players.
    lots of things can be done with these teams inc tag team games, hu league formats (like nbc), leagues games etc etc 

    the eventual winner can then be alongside julian until nxt year when the whole process starts again and a new 'sponsored player' (the new show title)
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited June 2013
    I was part of TP last time, even, though it was only for 1 round. Matt Broughton was my tutor, and he was great. We would bounce ideas off each other quite regularly over MSN when I was on lunch breaks. He was always up for talking and made himself very approachable.

    On the whole, I think the promo was great, and for people to still be saying good things about it 3 years later proves that. I believe the prize was a buy in to a £100 SPT, a £1000 GUKPT and 10k WSOP main event. I may be wrong, and sorry if I am, but I don't think Sky covered Dan's travel costs to Vegas or hotel room? He seemed to travel separate to Vegas than the other VLV qualifiers and he felt a bit left out.

    Like others have said, the final pick was done by the community and not by a panel of judges. Every other round it was done by the mentors.

    The only other thing that was a bit tricky, was the mentors were having to watch all 6 of their players, and talk over MSN, while of course not being able to see their cards. Not sure how they could really coach at the time. I'd like to see maybe only 1 or 2 from each tutor group play on any specific night so they can get a lot more 1 to 1.

    It would be great if the faces of Skypoker were the tutors, maybe Ryan, Redmond and Thewy? Although I'd like a 4th option and have 1 to 1 tutoring with Charlotte Jackson...

    In regards to people saying lower players should be included, I'm pretty sure they were last time. I think the tutors got given a selection of upper, middle and lower players from all 3 disciplines. Those candidates were phoned up before hand and asked to send it 3 or 4 hands they felt showed their strengths, I.E making a big laydown or a big call. They then had to put a detailed step by step analysis on every hand so the tutors could get an idea of what they were thinking and who had the best thought patterns during the hands. Of course the more you wrote, the better chance you had of getting in.
  • swamp_ratswamp_rat Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2013
    I wasnt on your site when it ran last time although i did watch it some on the TV, The only thing I liked about it was the Ed Giddins input, without that I doubt it would work.

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2013
    Why have another promo like this when you have already kicked off the team sky poker concept..

    I would have thought putting the effort and money into this and making it really something would be a better use of the marketing and analytical spend.  Come on sky, you've already started something, don't chop and change. 
  • Sky_PokerSky_Poker Member Posts: 2,715
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Total Player 2?:
    Why have another promo like this when you have already kicked off the team sky poker concept.. I would have thought putting the effort and money into this and making it really something would be a better use of the marketing and analytical spend.  Come on sky, you've already started something, don't chop and change. 
    Posted by GELDY
    Who said we'd stop TSP?

    Total Player would be extra not take anything from TSP or other promos.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2013
    To rephrase my point
    I would prefer any extra marketing budget going to enhance team sky poker than starting another promo
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited June 2013
    what even is TSP? what do you expect/hope it to achieve?

    tsp doesn't even have any information on it anywhere on the homepage so it's not like you can even just look it up.

    def dont want it to be another wishy washy prize/promo where it's not obvious what's been won etc  so prob best not to try and aim for some 10 year exclusivity contract as opposed to a few live comp buyins or w/e the prizes could be.

    rather than having the old mentors why not use the tsp players as you already have them and they are obv incredible, and obv must do as they are told!

    would hope for a league format, preferably doubles or w/e like I suggested before, and maybe even multiple formats ie 6max/hu not just a one off tourny where the person who holds with AA and wins a flip is suddenly the bestest.

    got lots of ideas just cant remember what the old total player format fully was or do I have much of an idea of what tsp is currently meant to be.
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