PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancethorpe09Small blind 25.0025.002155.00cgoldieBig blind 50.0075.008100.00 Your hole cardsJJ BigChicAQFold rivermunkyRaise 200.00275.003613.75pokerghostCall 200.00475.002245.00thorpe09Fold cgoldieCall 150.00625.007950.00Flop 6104 cgoldieCheck rivermunkyBet 625.001250.002988.75pokerghostFold cgoldieCall 625.001875.007325.00Turn Q cgoldieCheck rivermunkyAll-in 2988.754863.750.00cgoldieCall 2988.757852.504336.25cgoldieShowK10 rivermunkyShowJJ River 4 cgoldieWinFlush to the King7852.50 12188.7
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sky itIn Response to how much do you have to bet to stop a draw? all in is never enough!:
I knew JJ was good that's why I jammed but people willing to put tourney life on the line with one card to come ! you want the call every time just annoying when they hit !