What is your favourite hand of poker ever? We had a little chat about it this morning in the office so I thought I'd get my top three out there. The Hellmuth vs Greenstein hand has to be my favourite, with the Henry Tran hand a very close second.
This is a hand everyone can relate to, we all have been in this spot and they catch miracles - verus Hellmouth it makes it even more lols Hellmouth v Lose cannon 2010 - classic It's not great play but just for pokertainment factor it's the one hand I'll never forget don't slowroll the loose cannon Phil ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7l5OYLporY Posted by rancid
This wins by a mile. Although I suspect it (the deck) was rigged/staged for TV.
Found the video I mentioned earlier on a different site, hope the link can stay up as it's an amazing hand and I just love Timoshenko's face at the end of it.
What is your favourite hand of poker ever? We had a little chat about it this morning in the office so I thought I'd get my top three out there. The Hellmuth vs Greenstein hand has to be my favourite, with the Henry Tran hand a very close second. Phil Hellmuth - "The Snap Call" Henry Van Tran - "I have a 3 and a 2, double suited..." Kenny Tran - "I'm a Genius!" Posted by Sky_Dave
Always loved that insta-shove move by Phil (the actual action of shoving them in, rather than the verbal dec). I want to do that haha
If any 1 saw the ept barcelona table on tuesday nite 1 of the best moves i seen for ages 3 handed ilari sahimies well known as zigmund 5 bet bluff with q 9 vs another finnnish guy a great move just shows the class from a ok player to world class another hand is tom dwan in over a million dollar pot bluffing ivey barreling every strret sick sick hand i youtube the clip http://youtu.be/fSqkhN9Rqk0 Posted by IDONKCALLU
watched the zigmund hand this morning, just different class
absolutely no contest - especially as I played in this hand - be it ever so briefly - but it is by your very own Sky Poker (and i am still claiming the name of the hand as the IMBERSEAL until somebody matches it) - lol!!!!!!
What is your favourite hand of poker ever? We had a little chat about it this morning in the office so I thought I'd get my top three out there. The Hellmuth vs Greenstein hand has to be my favourite, with the Henry Tran hand a very close second. Phil Hellmuth - "The Snap Call" Henry Van Tran - "I have a 3 and a 2, double suited..." Kenny Tran - "I'm a Genius!" Posted by Sky_Dave
has to be mine at spt london day2,only thing is your cameras were too slow to catch it )-: AA,QQ,KK
In Response to Favourite Poker Hand of All Time? (YouTube Clips) : has to be mine at spt london day2,only thing is your cameras were too slow to catch it )-: AA,QQ,KK Posted by SHAUNY
9 ball corner pocket lol
Hellmouth v Lose cannon 2010 - classic
It's not great play but just for pokertainment factor it's the one hand I'll never forget
don't slowroll the loose cannon Phil )
Tom Dwan heads-up against Scammy George.
This one was a beauty!!!!!
Also this starring the pokerbrat...