Makes me laugh the distance some players go to to abuse players with vile words, not talking your usual banter or even swear words, but 1 player on here every single game we play hu starts with ret ard hows the ret ard kid refering to 1 of my children,been going on for about a year now which is quiet a joke,have reported this player but for some reason cc could not find the chatbox even though they had all the information,this player is a vile human being,i dont mind the odd banter but this is beyond a joke.
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To be honest most think they are keyboard warriors which I find amusing but being horrible about your child scraps the barrel so I think he should be barred from even playing on here!!
In a world where people are being prosecuted for their tweets I don't think anyone deserves to put up with this (and certainly not to the extent at which the OP has been targeted).