Good morning,I was playing in a live tournament over this weekend and would like to point out to those who think online poker is rigged to check out these hands from the live tournament.
Id only sat at my table for 5 mins I look at my cards from UTG and see 7s,Ok I think I will 2.5 raise 2 callers sb then makes it 1.1k to play,BB then pops it to 3.400 I insta fold,SB calls, Flop 88A, both check....Turn A. SB bets so small its obvious he has loads of it but bb just calls the 1500 into the big pot.River 7 ....Im gutted thinking id be in good shape had I played,SB bets half pot bb jams all in......instant call........8888 V AAAA WOOOOOOOOOOOW.. glad I folded but bryan in sb was very gracious in defeat so top marks for that.
Later on I saw QQ VQQ and one lady flushed but yet again the guy who had is QQ crushed by QQ was very polite and gracious in his exit.
Finally my turn to get LUCKY...Its been raised to 4x im bb and call with 9S,Flop J92..I bet halfpot he jams his last 6.5k in ..CALL..He shows....JJJ.... turn 3 yes got lucky but once again paul who I beat was really pleasant and wished me and the table all good luck.
I exited on day 2 ,Had 18bbs left and jammed to a 3x bet with QQ,AK Called and hit but my point is I saw some really bad beats and not ONE PERSON moaned or got abusive so to those who think online is rigged I suggest you read this post and no it happens in live play to,Its poker and percentages are there to be a guide but beats happen online or live so just take it with a pinch of salt ..
See you in the DTD tonight.
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Im with you on this one, take a look on youtube at some of the beats, its amazing.
People tend to forget that they go down their local club and play about 50 hands in a night because of talking, shuffling etc, online when multi tabling you see hundreds in a night, so obviously more bad beats.
There is very often situations where there is hand after hand with lots of action which does make you think that the site want action to knock people out so they go play on another table and pay them but I dont see why sites which are making lots of money would risk it all, why does it matter
If you do think it is why on earth play online poker!
I think his username is The+ev_Kid
Deal X amount of 6 handers at home and then the flop/turn/river. Turn all cards over make a note of how many AKQJ10, Trips, AA,KK etc, how many times KK-QQ-1010 come up in the same hand, The play a bunch of online hands. The results will not be similar at all.
RNG is not weighted agains't any one player in particular, it just seems to offer more "action" games, which lets face it makes it more fun. Just play within your means.
I doubt that this is true, no way would SKY as brand operate in this way.
EDIT, I've just asked on chat and been assured Sky's RNG is certified to comply wth their regulators. I new SKY would never operate outside the rules.