hey guys wonder if someone out there could help me out
I usually play around on average 60-70 hrs a month playing mostly 20nl cash and my average month is something 30-35 buyins in profit probably be more if never donked profits off in mtts that i never bink lol.
I would like to know how to work out how many bb/100 hands,bb/hr and hourly rate how it can be workied out.I`ve been told like 5/bb per 100 hands is a good win rate anything higher means your crushing your level is that right? but that seems quite a low number so would like to know how i`m doing againist the likes of this winrate.Also after I find out how to work all this out which one is the best to use.
thanks is advance liamboi11.
But maths was never my strong point.
EDIT - just realised this doesnt take into account multi-tabling.
Youd need the hand count or just divide 70 by the average number of tables you play...
1) I know you don't do
2) 50xBB per hour on 1table is a winrate that no1 in the world could maintain.
I've got a spreadsheet you can have where if you enter your sessions details it'll auto fill columns with your winrate etc
as long as your winning, all spends
5bb/100 is a very decent winrate, and yeh 10bb/100 would be crushing. I know it sounds low but that's just the way it is, edges in poker are far smaller than people think. So if you're crushing 30NL regularly and 6table, then long term it's pretty good if you win say 1 BI per 3-4 hour session.... sucks doesn't it lol. Obv in reality it's more like sometimes yuo're 2 BIs down, sometimes yuo're 6 BIs up, but long term, that's the way it is in every format.
DYMs, if you crush you might have 10% ROI, so for every £5.50 game u win 55p and each one takes like 30+ mins and so on. Small edges in poker.
Obviously things change/reduce as you multi-table and that's why you gotta find that happy medium. This is a contrived example that probably would never happen cos a small increase in tables shouldn't do this to your winr ate BUT for example if you are running at 5bb/100 on 1table, then it's much better for your profit to be playing 2 tables if that means you only win 4bb/100 per table cos you're now winning 8bb/100, but if starting to 4table means your winrate drops down to 1.5bb/100, then you're only winning 6bb/100 now and so it's better to 2table (or get better at multi-tabling
Also, when looking at things to do with winrates online, keep an eye out because a lot of things reference BB (as in big bet) because this was the norm when Limit games were most poker. Others refered to bb (as in big blinds) which is obv relevant to NL games and you.
As to your win rate this is a rough guideline......
- 1 – 4 bb/100 = Great. A solid winrate if you can sustain it.
- 5 – 9 bb/100 = Amazing. This is a very high winrate at any level. Consider moving up.
- 10+ bb/100 = Immense. Very, very few have a winrate like this. You probably have a small sample size though.
GL.On the topic of MS Office being WAY too expensive, I second that and am way too tight to pay for it. There's also a piece of free software called Open Office (google it) that has an MS office equivelant of everything, so there's an Excel, Word, Access etc
I use OpenOffice, and also have a spreadsheet of monthly winnings if anyone wants one.
Solid thread imo.
As for number of hands, there are ways of doing it without just counting 1 by 1, but I still find it a bit too much of a pain and I'm lazy, so I just go on the assumption every session plays at 80 hands per hour. Sometimes it'll be more, sometimes less, but think 80/hour is pretty average.