I really cba to spend more than 10mins on this, so here goes.
Why, every time a new promotion comes round, are tens of threads created about how it sucks, and how Sky should "sort it out"?
Here's an idea, how about we cut the whiney posts where we're just bashing on what's quite obviously a shocking promo...
And start developing new, better suggestions for ones in the future. (inb4 people say they're already doing this)
I get it, you're upset that your 2 tabling poker sessions stand no chance of making anything in the next promotion. But each promo shouldn't have to cater for EVERYone. Why don't I see any threads about how there are way too many freerolls, or how the new rakeback system favours smaller volume players over grinders?
Only ones where we're bashing on promos aimed at big volume players, huh?
There's no balance here. No objective reasoning, and it's incredible droll, tedious, and repetative.
Make your ideas a no-brainer for Sky to adopt it as a new promo. Because all I see, EVERY freakin' week, are streams of posts complaining about how you hate X or Y, while offering no constructive criticism whatsoever.
OR, the ideas are just bogus!
Sky arn't running this promo because they're out of ideas...
They're running it, because this promo WORKS.
Why else do you think that they've ran it 4 times in the past 8 weeks? It's a rake generating BEAST of a promo. If it aint broke, don't fix it. And the promo works like a DREAM for Sky. Tables start to run constantly with regs battling for top spots, and even a few recreational players at the high limit try to squeek into the top 20, which causes games to boot-up and run on a regular basis.
For the love of poker, stop with the needless, dull, "I hate this promo" speeches. WE GET IT. Be pro-active and find a solution, or at LEAST phrase your disappointment in a civil, reasonable manner ffs. Brainstorm new ways to tackle a promo that isn't aimed at you, and find ones that benefit the player, and the site. (MORE than the one currently in progress!)
We NEED, desperately, an emotional disconnect between "What are the ways in which this promo benefits the players and the site?", and "This promo sucks, because it's not beneficial to me. Sort it out please."
gg2all. ty4reading.
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And as for " But each promo shouldn't have to cater for EVERYone." - no I agree. But a promo that caters for far less than 1% of the players, and where you can name 50% of the winners before it starts, is a bad idea. It was a bad idea the first time, the second time, the third time and now the fourth time.
Explain to Sky why it's bad, and what improvements you would make if you were at the helm when it comes to releasing new promotions.
Discussing amongst yourselves that you all have the same concensus that a particular recurring promo sucks might feel good, but it does next to nothing with regards to making some meaningful changes that you want to see.
Some suggestions have been okay, but still have many flaws, or don't benefit the site running the promo enough to make it worth their while.
As said, make your suggestion so good, they'll have no choice but to use it.
They're running it, because this promo WORKS.
Just don't read the threads SIMPLE, A bit like you.
If I genuinely didn't care, or wanted to act selfishly, I'd be spending every minute that I'm writing these posts working on my game, grinding, or heck, JKo.
+1 op, promo/rakeback threads are the worst.
lol what was in yer weetabix this morning smitalos haha
I know you care which is sweet, it's all gravey.
Maybe just JKo or somethin
Seriously, if you wrote all that in under ten minutes you must have a glowing red keyboard and fingers worn to the bone!
I have my suggestion on what's "wrong" with Sky's promotions. There is room for rake races and other promotions but there seems to be no coherent structure for them, with reagrds to when they occur and how they're marketed. I'll re-post something I wrote in the Don's original thread a few weeks ago. It seems pointless writing it all again as my thoughts are unchanged.
By that I mean that there are too few recurring, short-period promotions which can be marketed on a long-term basis. Promotions at the moment seem to appear, take place and are then forgotten. If more were given the chance to become established, that would surely be a good idea.
There are examples which, to my mind, could clearly be used as an incentive to new players to join and keep playing if they were a constant, consistent presence. The most striking of these would seem to be the Golden Ticket promotion because new players DON'T NEED TO BE WINNING PLAYERS to benefit from the promotion and it DOESN'T DEMAND HIGH VOLUME for a chance to win. It also benefits the existing player base. If this ran with a smaller budget on a weekly or monthly basis, it could be promoted alongside the £10 tournament token and 100% deposit bonus as a long-term incentive to new players while not excluding existing players.
Another great example would be the Battle of the Planets promotion on Stars. I'll be starting a new thread on this shortly because I'm a big believer than improving SNG traffic will improve overall Sky Poker traffic in the long-run. Again, this is a short-period, long-term promotion rewarding low volume as well as high, although it does reward performance and not participation.
So my major gripe is that these promotions don't have a constant presence. Why not make Cash Champ a regular fixture over the last week of every month, allowing it to be promoted as such? Why not have a SNG promotion that runs on a weekly basis?
I'd love to think someone from Sky will read this... but it's 9pm on a Friday so I doubt any are around.
Edited slightly from a few weeks ago.
At the moment on the telly you still see repeats advertising promotions that happened once, several months ago and never happened again. Why not advertise continuing, long-term promotions?
I don't have a problem with cash champ. I do have a problem with this big deal nonsense. I have a bigger problem with promotions not being regular and recurring, if they're successful.
Suggestion --I've said it before
don't run a cash promo where it encourages people to fold pre
base it on flops seen
Everyone a winner
The End.
Interesting reading everyones suggestions and opinions. Im two years on the site and I play low stakes dym omaha. My play this year has halved from my first year. The reason is because now I play on other sites also instead of just playing on sky. Why? because traffic is so low.
Im not one to complain about promos but when I read them I do find that they are based more on how much you play rather than how well you perform.
However sky is and has been my favourite site for the last 2 years. I think the community spirit and the fact sky listen (might not always act) means alot to me.
Omaha is my game and earlier this year JockBMW ran a dym win streak competition which personally I really enjoyed but I think interest in it probably dropped after a week or so.
I'd love to see some sort of monthly league table for dym players. I'd like it to be based on your performance (gain points every time you cash) and how much you play (however cap it at say your best consecutive 100 games over a month).
Im not sure about the stakes but possibly some very marginal scoring should be introduced based on the stakes that you are playing. I'd like to think the highest stakes dym games are very marginally rewarded but still give the lowest stakes players a fair chance.
Interested to see what skys and other peoples thoughts are on this? Apologies if someone has already suggested something similar as I havent read all the posts.
It was Jock's & Tikay's effort and promotion that got me into PLO8.
Makes a great change from the normal DYM's i usually play.
For me personally I like am aim so in this case finishing as high up the leaderboard as possible each month. However to avoid the same players winning the prizes I think the suggestion of a private freeroll gives numerous players a chance to cash and not just the top of the leaderboard.