So my wife decided to watch me play during a tournament the other night. She has no clue how poker is played or really works so I was explaining little things like the blinds etc while I played. Still pretty sure she has no idea how the game works.
However it reminded me how strange and complex poker looks to someone who hasn't played, I remember being like that a few years back! So here's a short video from a show I watch that will show you just what poker looks like from someone elses perspective!
Explaining Poker is no different to explaining one of the other card games to someone, and people will either play it, enjoy it, or play it not enjoy it. Obviously if you're the kind of person who plays hours of Poker a day then to YOU ts more than just another card game. But be assured to 99% of the planets population Poker is just another card game.
An to some its boring, even though they understand it and can play it quite well. I really don't see where you get "Strange and complex" from though.
Though the forum trolling
Keep them doggies trolling