@RyanC7 - Unfortunately due to responsible gambling laws we are not able to post the number of hands. Posted by Sky_Lee
Paddy Power run casino comp point leaderboard promos and publish the points along the way, so I'd be interested to see the law cited. If you can publish them it would undoubtedly turn the grinders into sleep-deprived zombies, and discourage the recs who don't currently appreciate the volume required. Probably rake positive and a reward to the big grinders, which I'm guessing is the intention of the promo anyway.
In Response to Re: ** The Big Deal (1st - 7th July) LEADERBOARD ** : This. Nits shouldn't be rewarded. Better for recs. if you reward those who win the most hands, or at the very least, how many flops you see, etc. Encouraging people to win pots/see flops creates action and is more fun for the recreational players, while also generating extra rake for the site. Absolute no-brainer imo. Posted by Smitalos
At the very least at the end of the whole promo, once its ended and all verified show just like leaderboard in table format the number of hands with the username next to it, then we will see who leads then we can see the 100% correct leaderboard with the number of hands played the money will be legitly won! But thats my honest opoion promo is a promo were all here to make £££
These competitions always disadvantage people who find it difficult to multi table. I've tried and I just can't do it, plus I've only got a 15" laptop and not half a dozen linked monitors. How am I supposed to compete against somebody who's playing 16 tables? I've not even bothered to enter the code this time. Why not have a comp where 'magic' hands are announced randomly throughout the day, where the winner gets a spot prize and give the little guy a shot at winning some cash?
In Response to Re: ** The Big Deal (1st - 7th July) LEADERBOARD ** : When you have no job what else you gonna do on a tuesday afternoon when the sun having the day off. This promo also suits lower stakes players better as it is on hands played. 5000 hands at 4nl > 4999 hands at 50nl. Or at least thats the understanding I have Posted by RyanC7
Fair point - Just read it it again and seems you are right
I agree with smitalos need promos to create action make the games better rather than worse.
I done well in the last promo but it was weighted contribution alittle better organised than this promo imo, but reason I done well on that promo because I play a lot more flops than other regs and give action rather than wait for the nuts and 2nd nuts if they feel frisky. I was only playing around 4-5 hr a day playing 6 tables my usual.
but yeah we need a promo like most hands won after a flop rather than x amount of tables loaded and nit up.
These competitions always disadvantage people who find it difficult to multi table. I've tried and I just can't do it, plus I've only got a 15" laptop and not half a dozen linked monitors. How am I supposed to compete against somebody who's playing 16 tables? I've not even bothered to enter the code this time. Why not have a comp where 'magic' hands are announced randomly throughout the day, where the winner gets a spot prize and give the little guy a shot at winning some cash? Posted by rob495
Nice post Rob!
This is from a brandnew poster, no idea how long you have been on the site, but you are spot on.
We know that Man U have a great chance of winning the premier league as well as 2 others but Hull and 17 others have no chance. Does that stop the teams with no chance of winning from playing??? No!
I thought I played quite a lot last night, but only 48th lol, how many tables are you fruitcakes playing?!
This is from a brandnew poster, no idea how long you have been on the site, but you are spot on.