sorry if i`ve missed something but what happens the next round when they are only 3 left? also goldenballz just let me know when suits you m8? Posted by liamboi11
Hi mate.
Final will be a 3 way round robin - due to the numbers entered. At start.
Hopefully there is a clear winner if not it will be done on tie break from amount of points gained in the final round. If there is still no clear winner then semi final games will also be included in tie break .
In Response to Re: HU Turbo Forum Fun Game - Round 2 Draw Up, All games to be completed by Wednesday Evening : Hi mate. Final will be a 3 way round robin - due to the numbers entered. At start. Hopefully there is a clear winner if not it will be done on tie break from amount of points gained in the final round. If there is still no clear winner then semi final games will also be included in tie break . Posted by LARSON7
ah right I get you m8 was just curious if i`m lucky enough to get through lol
Anyone up for creating a league format of this tournament whens its over? Everyone play everyone. Play 3 games each against each other. Point for each game won?
Bumping your post D4E as I knocked it off the page.
Semi Final Draw
Larson v Jordz
Boxster v Day4Eire
Goldenballs v Liam
Best of 5!
In Response to Re: HU Turbo Forum Fun Game - Semi Final Draw is Up. Good luck!:
Hi mate,I'll be about for the next hour, if you wanna play just now.
Not sure if i'll be on later on 2 nite.
If you are about just now, i'll keep an eye out on the thread.
I'm on just now, ill just reg
Jordz wins 3-1