Ace Gooner V Thedon90 Ace Gooner 2-0 Goldenballz V Steelrod Shanxta V Jordz16 Waller02 V Dohhhh Arranged BBMike V Lambert180 BB Mike 2-1 CKD V JimBod FlashJonny v OMM Wason6V Larson Larson 2-1 Boxster V Gazza127 Liamboi v HHYF Liam 2-0 BenC V Jac35 Arranged Pomfrittes V Day4Eire
TPTP lol when i started the thread, i was thinking it would get 10 runners maximum. Thought it would go something along the lines of the forum cash games, just a bit of interest.
I had no idea it would be so popular, or that it had even been done before.
Reserves, 1) K8Lou and 2) RogueCell 3)TPTP
24 registered, 3 Reserves. If anyone else wants there name down (as a reserve) post up! Another 5 and we would have the perfect number.
If it goes well, i'll run this again (or Paul or anyone else who wants to) maybe in a few months time
If i did it again, the closing time for entries would be when 32 people had registered.
Im online and free to play if your about. In Response to Re: HU Turbo Forum Fun Game - First Round Draw Up, First round games to be played by Sunday Night : Posted by day4eire76
Larson.... Steelrod is unavailable to play any time today (we could play it tomoz night). If it has to be be done today, he said do u want to put a reserve in?
Hi Golden, just play the game tomorrow at some point.
Thanks for letting me know Ben. As with the game above if you would like to play it at some point tomorrow, let me know, or if you still want to withdraw. Let me know on here or send me a message on skype.
In Response to Re: HU Turbo Forum Fun Game - First Round Draw Up, First round games to be played by Sunday Night:
Ace Gooner V Thedon90 Ace Gooner 2-0
Goldenballz V Steelrod
Shanxta V Jordz16
Waller02 V Dohhhh Arranged
BBMike V Lambert180 BB Mike 2-1
CKD V JimBod
FlashJonny v OMM
Wason6V Larson Larson 2-1
Boxster V Gazza127
Liamboi v HHYF Liam 2-0
BenC V Jac35 Arranged
Pomfrittes V Day4Eire
wp, gl in next round.
Hi Flash can play sun after 7pm let me know if u can make it.
TPTP lol when i started the thread, i was thinking it would get 10 runners maximum. Thought it would go something along the lines of the forum cash games, just a bit of interest.
I had no idea it would be so popular, or that it had even been done before.Reserves, 1) K8Lou and 2) RogueCell 3)TPTP
24 registered, 3 Reserves. If anyone else wants there name down (as a reserve) post up! Another 5 and we would have the perfect number.
If it goes well, i'll run this again (or Paul or anyone else who wants to) maybe in a few months time
If i did it again, the closing time for entries would be when 32 people had registered.
Hi Golden, just play the game tomorrow at some point.
Thanks for letting me know Ben. As with the game above if you would like to play it at some point tomorrow, let me know, or if you still want to withdraw. Let me know on here or send me a message on skype.
Anytime from now onwards should be fine. cheers.