dont no if anyone else suffers with this but when im multi tabling with mini view on i type my bet size in the box it adds numbers on to my size, then i click delete the number then the cursur movers to the first number, pain the axx so im forced to click the auto raise buttons which i hate.
+1 rock, so frustrating. Or clicking 2x then clicking the bar to add a bit more and all of a sudden its 54x, try again and the timers run out. Also please move the fold button from underneath 2x, folding kings is pretty tilting Posted by RyanC7
haha thought it was just me which is why ive never mentioned this b4.
I Mentioned this to sky a while back and they said usual c**P, no one else has reported it or seem to have a problem with it, why dont you use the 1/4 1/2 pot buttons that Sky have put there for you? Posted by mrdavies
i do use the 1/2 pot button at times but im talking about pre flop,im an mtt player so at at a certain stage of the tournament a 3x raise is to big so i make it 2.5 and then later 2.2. its ok later on because i just min raise but i should be able to type my sizing in the box without it adding numbers.
I Mentioned this to sky a while back and they said usual c**P, no one else has reported it or seem to have a problem with it, why dont you use the 1/4 1/2 pot buttons that Sky have put there for you?
on the flip side though, once before I tried to bet £4.80 and cos of that stupid cursor problem on mini view I ended up betting £48 with 6 high and getting called and there's no hero story...I lost.
+1 rock, so frustrating. Or clicking 2x then clicking the bar to add a bit more and all of a sudden its 54x, try again and the timers run out. Also please move the fold button from underneath 2x, folding kings is pretty tilting
I know its been asked a few times but is there anything to be done about sky multi tabling lag? friends only playing 5 tables n its basically unplayable Posted by bolly580