I would like to make a graph for the progress of my cash games, can anyone help? I don't have a clue where to start I have Kingston not excel.
Also I want to know BB/100 how would I work that out?
And finally, is there a site where I can see my cash game stats I know sharkscope show mtt, I want to know how many hands I have played as well, thanks.
As for graphs, you can do them if you want from the data there, but you'll already have the important stuff like BB/100.
In terms of not having Excel, I'm a massive life nit so I won't pay for it either but if you google 'Open Office' you can download a free program which is the equivelant of Microsoft Office, it has Word, Excel, Access etc. and that's what I use.
I must say I tried doing a graph ages ago ust so I could stick it in my diary in Open Office and it was a massive pain the the a$$ and I gave up. Open Office isn't as advanced as Excel, it's a bit more basic and some things aren't as simple to do.
Dunno if this link is allowed and will be removed so grab it quick, this will cover everything you need.