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Player info - generating ideas to discuss...



  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited July 2013
    So you can get an idea how much attention they are paying.
  • tomo_efctomo_efc Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2013
    Have they sold there soul to the devil...

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Player info - generating ideas to discuss...:
    In terms of useful information perhaps something like when they started playing on Sky, and perhaps how many times they have played in the last month. But then we are getting in to the realms of encouraging bhunting. Not that im against this. Information that I specifcally dont want . Would be anything to do with hands entered/%flops seen/VPIP and so forth.
    Posted by calcalfold
    So you don't want the information that would be massively useful to you, but you wanna know when the last time someone played was?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Player info - generating ideas to discuss...:
    In Response to Re: Player info - generating ideas to discuss... : Out of interest, why would this be useful?
    Posted by Sky_Poker
    Yeah so far only thing that's come up in this thread that I think would be useful is the number of tables they're playing.

    It just allows you to make some very basic assumptions about their game. Obv it's a generalisation and we can be given evidence at a later stage to prove otherwise but most people who 1table are not as good as most people who 6+table.... ready to be shot down here lol.

    Also, it's probably safe to assume that someone who is 20tabling isn't gonna be raising 79o UTG (again, could be proven wrong...). Someone 1tabling may very well do this.

    I tend to check/know roughly how many tables most of my opponents play but nice to not have to check for new opponents.
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited July 2013
    in a word - No

    You are missing the wider picture.

    I hate sites that support poker tracker. I think people should be paying attention and work to get their statistical information rather than handed to them on a plate.

    Plus the aforementioned information would ruin the site with loads of new competent players playing stupid numbers of tables and just playing the numbers.

    Plus it might start the lesser/recereational players working on their game.

    I am all for improvement in quality of software, but would hate for Sky to have an influx of sharks, a poker tracker style approach would be a step in this direction.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    Yeah I know what you mean, I definitely prefer to play out sites without HUDs etc.

    Although recs putting less work in on their game is a good thing and most people would have no idea what to do with the information or how to adapt (or even want to change their own game) anyway.

    But yeah no HUDs :)
  • Sky_PokerSky_Poker Member Posts: 2,715
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for the ideas and feedback on the ideas.
  • BigHawk89BigHawk89 Member Posts: 627
    edited July 2013
    A feature that lets you search the player through right clicking on their avatar would be nice, then you could see how many tables there playing and what stakes etc.

    I know you can already search a player but while multi tabling it takes too much time to type a players name in the "find a player" tool in the lobby.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited July 2013
    What the player had for tea. Then I can deduce if they are bloated, thus not playing their 'A' game.
  • SmitalosSmitalos Member Posts: 543
    edited July 2013
    Showing the number of tables is a really bad idea imo.
    We already have the ability to search for players manually, so why make it compulsary for everyone?

    It'll most likely just be another benefit to bumhunters. An easy way to spot where the recreational players are, a magnet for the grinders who are just looking for easy money.

    If you want to search up someone, you have the power to do so. People shouldn't be forced to have even more information given away about the state of their game than there already is.

    Player Avatars, Location, and those who are Chat Disabled. All steps in the right direction imho.

    And I hate to sound like a snidey self-entitled SoB, but more time spent on tweaking the new software (that still needs a fair bit of work done on it, from what I've seen and heard), and less time spent on tiny improvements like the ones suggested itt, would be amazeballs. tyyyyyyyyyyyyy <3
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited July 2013
    Replace the HOT o METER with a BOOZE o METER so we can tell if a players been on the juice :-)
  • BURNShurtzBURNShurtz Member Posts: 1,005
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Player info - generating ideas to discuss...:
    Replace the HOT o METER with a BOOZE o METER so we can tell if a players been on the juice :-)
    Posted by VespaPX
    NO WAY, the HOT o METER is the best thing on this site. In fact, if it went i would probably have to give up playing as i find it amazingly helpful.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Player info - generating ideas to discuss...:
    Replace the HOT o METER with a BOOZE o METER so we can tell if a players been on the juice :-)
    Posted by VespaPX

    If this was too happen the Dyms I had regged  for would fill up much quicker!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013
    Ok going to base my feedback based on what ive seen with whats getting planned with the new software, hopefully this will help with feedback that you would like here

    Instead of location can i add a suggestion. Stop the flashing or when u hover over etc thing. 

    A new thing happens when you hover over 

    A transparent box opens slightly above players avatar has the following things

    HEADS (If applicable) 

    In terms of new things, Do not add how many tables joe bloggs is playing. 

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