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  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited July 2013
    Can we all just agree that FCHD deserves something nice for doing the thread.
    That doesn't mean that other posters who have been mentioned and do great work deserve less or more.
    Its a freebee after all and anything free is nice.
    I can see both sides of the debate but think its unfair to judge one posters contribution against anothers.
    Like most debates online both sides are sure they are right and will try hard to get there points across.
    But at the end of the day both sides will still think they are right.
    Whatever FCHD gets he deserves and whatever the other great posters get be they in the clinic, poker chat or punters corner they deserve aswell.

    I really like the community on Sky always read  but rarely post.
    I just taught this was getting a bit well serious.

    I respect both sides and in all honesty there isn't a right answer to this debate.

    Hopefully we can all understand the other sides thinking and just say we don't agree.
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: FCHD:
    In Response to Re: FCHD : You're absolutely right about this first part. The question was asked  "What sort of reward should we give to FCHD for his hard work?" A response was given: "An SPT seat" Another response was given: "A Primo seat seems more reasonable to me" and reasons for having reached that conclusion were offered. These reasons included what Sky Poker would likely deem reasonable and what would seem fair in relation to other posters. Several of the people who gave the first response chose to turn their ire onto the person making the second suggestion, rather than disagree and make their point rationally. This should not be acceptable behaviour on this forum. As it happens on this occasion I was actually defending myself, but anyone who pays any attention will have seen me defend many other people from this sort of thing in the past. Some here have chosen to erroneously - possibly disingenuously - portray my posts on this thread as complaints. The truth is that there is nothing to complain about, as this is all about answering the question, which you have identified DUNMIDOSH. Nothing has yet been offered so it is simply impossible for anyone to have complained about it. The only complaint that could have been made would have been about the possibility of anything being offered at all. As you'll note, and as I have pointed out many times, nobody on this thread has made such an assertion. Nobody has, as you put it, "...made an issue out of something good happening..." You are correct that criticism should be taken with grace. However, such criticism on this forum should be made regarding the substance of the debate, not the character of those involved. Several posters have crossed that line and have deservedly been rebuked for doing so, by myself and others. You are free to believe that my opinions are tosh, however I have gone about things in absolutely the correct way in making my points. I can not agree with any unfounded accusations to the contrary. If anything written in this thread has been intended as mean and hurtful, it is difficult to see that such things were my responsibility. I have respect for a great many of the posters on this thread for their contributions to this forum. I have met one or two and have respect for them personally. I don't want this thread to detract from any of that, however I will not tolerate my own or anyone else's character being called into question merely on the basis of a disagreement about who should be given tournament entries and of what value those should be. My opinion has been offered and those making the decision have the option of accepting it or dismissing it. Whatever reward FCHD is eventually given, he will have my congratulations and best wishes.
    Posted by BorinLoner

    I'm sure I said "some of your comments" in this post, but in other threads I have commented that I respect the depth and thought you put into your responses.
    In no way did I aim the remark at the majority of your posts, as it is clear you have a wealth of experience and in the main your intentions are positive rather than negative towards topics.
    I just thought on this occasion the idea was to suggest a suitable reward not to express why other rewards were not suitable.
    Surely it is up to the person giving to weigh up the merits? 

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