Think I played pretty solid poker for 5 hours but there were a couple of hands that I absolutely butchered, and I got pretty lucky to treble up with Q10 when I was getting desperate and shoved 11bb. (was shown on the tellybox last night).
They didn't show the key hand just before it when I lost a 70bb pot (that would've put me 2nd) vs Mattbates when KK couldn't hold vs his AK. On another day I'd have spewed off after that and limped out the tourney but I brushed off the beat pretty quickly and hung in there.
I noticed you did not enter the mini though......which is less than you paid for the main in fact. Was this so you could just focus on the one game/can not multi table on your pc?...
Congrats HHrandomletters Winning from a cheap sat is extra special too.! I noticed you did not enter the mini though......which is less than you paid for the main in fact. Was this so you could just focus on the one game/can not multi table on your pc?... Posted by MAXALLY
Thank you very much sir!
I did enter the mini but busted about 120th, give or take.
In Response to Re: Congrats Harry! (hhrydffter or w/e) : Thank you very much sir! I did enter the mini but busted about 120th, give or take. Posted by hhyftrftdr
Oh yeah, sorry, my mistake. Just didnt want you to of missed out on any FT jackpot chances.
Run good continues! Just checked in for my flight and was offered an extra legroom emergency exit seat for free. Only requirement was that I had to be able bodied to assist in case of emergency. I breathed in, hid my chocolate muffin and said yes to the seat.
wp gg Harry
Wow - well done Sir!
Well done on the win, glad to see you came back from 4k!
Not bad to go and bink nearly £3k the night before going on your hols
Unlucky Harry.
nice one harry!!!! vwp