In Response to Re: Tues Night Live Show with Fowler, RyRy and Thewy 7pm CH861 ****official show thread***** : Ahem. For 'crush' read 'bust out on Aces' Fun splashin the cash with you again though Sir, see you again soon! Sx Posted by Sarah_C
Any time, my good lady. My money will be made freely available to you at any time. lol
My ME went terribly due to terrible play by myself oh well! Although I did sat in to the big BH for just £2 already have 2 heads so it is all good! Also doing ok in the mini!
Quick question, my MTT game in lower levels seems to be off at the moment, my issue is with limpers I currently raise limpers especially when out of posistion but struggle playing the streets with them if they call a c-bet. For lower levels would it be beneficial to just call limpers?
I think the SPT should be moved to Japan good luck with that!
By the time I had finished writing this I have been knocked out the big BH but I got it in good and made some profit shame it wasn't more though, just the mini now!
This was the hand that crippled me, what do you think about the call?
Obviously he only has like 6xBB and I already have 1 in from the BB. I know I'm crushed if I lose but I've seen him shove trash in recent orbits so he is shoving wide in unopened spots. Obv I don't really wanna see any Ax but do you think this shallow in a structure like this, we just have to go for it, or can we nit up and hold on to get our chips in first? Winning this pot puts me chip leader btw.
Hi guys, looking forward to seeing you all this weekend.
Dream location for me next season would be even more at DTD as it's right on my doorstep and it's great to have the SPT so close.
Having spent time on a few tables with Julian now, I'd advise anyone in the same situation not to be nervous, the guys a gentleman, very pleasant company and a great player to watch and learn from.
You didn't give Ryan or Julian a chance to answer. Their poor little faces when they realised you were robbing them of their opportunity for a cuddle...
Hand History #673888094 (21:12 23/07/2013)
My ME went terribly due to terrible play by myself oh well! Although I did sat in to the big BH for just £2 already have 2 heads so it is all good! Also doing ok in the mini!
Quick question, my MTT game in lower levels seems to be off at the moment, my issue is with limpers I currently raise limpers especially when out of posistion but struggle playing the streets with them if they call a c-bet. For lower levels would it be beneficial to just call limpers?
I think the SPT should be moved to Japan good luck with that!
By the time I had finished writing this I have been knocked out the big BH but I got it in good and made some profit shame it wasn't more though, just the mini now!
hi anna... none
This was the hand that crippled me, what do you think about the call?
Obviously he only has like 6xBB and I already have 1 in from the BB. I know I'm crushed if I lose but I've seen him shove trash in recent orbits so he is shoving wide in unopened spots. Obv I don't really wanna see any Ax but do you think this shallow in a structure like this, we just have to go for it, or can we nit up and hold on to get our chips in first? Winning this pot puts me chip leader btw.
Hand History #673923290 (22:26 23/07/2013)
Hi guys, looking forward to seeing you all this weekend.
Dream location for me next season would be even more at DTD as it's right on my doorstep and it's great to have the SPT so close.
Having spent time on a few tables with Julian now, I'd advise anyone in the same situation not to be nervous, the guys a gentleman, very pleasant company and a great player to watch and learn from.
Why am I so terrible!?!
There's a cuddle in it for anyone who can answer that.
Good show. Get back to the tables Anna. Sarah's pwning you for game time.
I'm sure as a pro, he still constantly works on his game so where does he go for that 'learning' now?
And yeah, a pint of any strong larger would be great thanks Julian
That was cruel Anna. Cruel.
See you at the tables on the morrow.