Sorry guys I know this will annoy a lot of men but I am requesting this for good reasons.
We don't have loads of female players on the site but as a site I think you are missing a lot of potential customers here. You could have a small MTT one evening or every evening say a £5 buy in with a £100 GTD for females only, and then give 1 hour of 1 of your shows to the tournament to promote getting more female players to the site and to reg! You have a great amount of female presenters who could take part, and you may be able to try and get 1 to play every tournament so you can name it after them! (Or you could name it after me, just saying

If this does become an option make it a good structure 10/12 min blinds with small blind increases like the mini primo! The more players you get over time you could bring in higher guarantees or up the buy ins!
I would recommend starting small and only holding It twice a week
on nights when the show is live so you can plug it (this would take like 10 seconds) and then make it a TV one so hands can be played and requested to be played to advertise it! "Batkins Ladies night" Going back to naming the tourneys hint hint
I thought it was just men pretending to be females.
Anyway in poker I don't believe anyone if they say they are women I play my cards and the player and trust my notes. If you cant get on tv or cash in a normal tourney then I suggest practicing in freeroles until you get better.
It may sound harsh but why because your a woman should you get special treatment this is the 21st century were all equal now.
Can I have a Black only tourney please im tired of playing these white people!!!! If not your racisit Sky......
P.S im not that great a player I just like fairness for all.
Why would SKY be racist if they didn't cater for your tournament? Are you implying that I am saying SKY are sexist if they do not cater for a woman only tournament?
Thanks for the info on freerolls I will take you up on that sounds like a great solution to a question I never asked!
As for the freerole comment I know you didn't ask it but it seems your request was so you could play in long tournaments against less players and have a chance of getting on tv and winning easy cash, so if you cant do that now you need more practice.
Firstly, why would it make the blindest bit of difference to the number of female players on Sky?
the simple fact of the matter is, more men play poker, because it appeals to men more. End of!
Anyway, why do Sky need to be increasing female footfall on the poker site?
Poker is not a physical game, males and females do not need to be seperate due to different abilites. Unless you are saying that they do?
The cynic in me thinks you just want a poker game that prevents most of the winning regs from playing, allowing you to increase your ROI
Also you posted on this before in a different forum and also insulted me in a different thread why are you repeating yourself and why do you feel it is acceptable to insult someone in the vulgar way you did and just carry on as if nothing happened?