Just wondering if Sky could add some (a couple would do) £1 freezeout mtts to the schedule. I'm thinking 2k Stack 10 min blinds. If you put a £30 gty on them then I'm confident it would be met, certainly during the peak period, around 8pm.
At the min there are only the deepstack and £25GTD rebuys at this level, not much choice.
Come on Sky £30GTD £1.10 freezeout (2k, 10 min blinds)........8pm. Trial it, please
People make the effort when sky ask for feedback............but when the boot is on the other foot???
Look on the Brightside, we might get another one of those Cash promos soon, or a promo that fails to deliver what it promised like battle of the mains.
21 ppl voting yes. The forum represents a very small portion of people who play on sky so the £30 gty should get smashed.
In defence of the Sky Poker folks, this was posted at 4.55pm. It's likely that they were all on their way home.
Admittedly they don't always respond but I would guess that's because they don't have anything good to say. E.g.
Sky_Loner - "We appreciate your feedback but.... erm... No. We're not going to do that."
If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. lol
Your comments are noted Mr Waller, as are all the other Posts.
The thread has been sent upstairs.
Whether you will get your wish is another matter altogether, of course. Running an Online Poker Site is immensely complex, & sometimes, as in this parrticular case, there is very good reason why they may not wish to accede to your wishes. Hypothetically, of course.
Everything is done - or not - for a reason.
My Nan taught me that. Nan's are never wrong, except when they knit you a jumper for Christmas.
i think it would be a good idea

it would mean more choice at the low buy-in range
given that i currently have a 2nd job being a taxi driver for my kids in the evenings i'm not sure how many i could play but still it is a good idea