Posted a hand request a few days ago now, I haven't done so before but thought that losing with quads in a ME was maybe worthy of being shown. No comments not even a post after it, does anybody read them ? I posted in BBV too and only got one comment. Maybe losing with quads is more of a regular event than I thought??
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The Bad Beat Jackpot can be won by anyone playing in a dealer-dealt Texas Hold'em cash game. The jackpot is won if your losing hand is a FOUR TWO’s or better at showdown.
Our first Bad Beat Jackpot was hit in December 2010 with the total standing at £222,335. Since then it has been won on several occasions with the prize money totalling over £650,000
The staff at the TV Channel do not monitor the "regular" Forum to see these Posts. If you want a hand to be considered for TV coverage, please send it by e-Mail (including the Hand ID) to
Alternativey, post it on a Show Thread - the TV crew monitor those, & those alone.
As far as I recall, it can ONLY be shown if it occured on a Table or Tourney which includes the TV Icon.
Unlucky with the hand, but that's part of the attraction of poker, these occasional car crash hands. Hopefully we are the right side of them just as often as the wrong side.
Thanks for your replies guys. I appreciate that it wasn't really a 'discussion hand' but as a bad beat it was pretty spectacular, hence I thought it might have been worth watching on TV or would have at least got more than one comment on the BBV thread! I also know that on some sites it could have won me quite a lot of money, ho hum there you go!