I joined Skypoker about 2 months ago, an lost my entire BR on here (around £40). I think the low numbers are down to the fact Skypoker is not really a site for fun.
In 2 months on Skypoker I ran KK into AA more times than in 3 years of online and 11 years of playing in live casino's. Bad beats are bad beat, but how often a hand on Skypoker will include JJ, QQ, AA n the same hand is silly. Be honest everyone here has seen AA,QQ,KK,JJ AKQJ10 a lot more on Sky than they have anywhere else,
It may just be down to the I remember the bads ones more than the good ones lol.
EDIT, Or has benn answered below, I guess everyone's just waiting to play strong. I enjoy a few other sites where a players range starts at 7-2 and includes everything up to AAAA.
Tbf, in some stages and some games you're completely correct that you just keep seeing AA/KK etc but that's nothing to do with the RNG, it's to do with the fact that in some games there are so many players just sitting there waiting for AA/KK.
There's a stage in the learning process where you get told to 'just play solid, wait for strong hands' and a lot of people are doing that, so you will continually see, AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK, AQ etc more than most hands cos that's all they're playing
I am leaving for mum's to be closer to train station for spt time - wiiiiiiiiiiii. have been playing elsewhere but thats a diff story. Posted by The_Don90
save urself money don .... stay at home, save a penny
2 year's of need's is along time pokertrev,mine are even longer,my 5 year need's are doing my head in :):):) xxx and that is just trying to win a tourney :):)
I MUST say i do like the site eg but the promo they they are so 1785 ( out of date). no insentive to redeposit like a depo bonus, c4p pfff joke . promo's on now pfff joke
In 2 months on Skypoker I ran KK into AA more times than in 3 years of online and 11 years of playing in live casino's. Bad beats are bad beat, but how often a hand on Skypoker will include JJ, QQ, AA n the same hand is silly. Be honest everyone here has seen AA,QQ,KK,JJ AKQJ10 a lot more on Sky than they have anywhere else,
It may just be down to the I remember the bads ones more than the good ones lol.
EDIT, Or has benn answered below, I guess everyone's just waiting to play strong. I enjoy a few other sites where a players range starts at 7-2 and includes everything up to AAAA.
There's a stage in the learning process where you get told to 'just play solid, wait for strong hands' and a lot of people are doing that, so you will continually see, AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK, AQ etc more than most hands cos that's all they're playing
tbh - It's been 2 years since your last post....I have needs you know
2 year's of need's is along time pokertrev,mine are even longer,my 5 year need's are doing my head in
:):):) xxx and that is just trying to win a tourney