I may be alone, but I really would like to know in advance when you are going to hijack the poker channel with geegees/golf/other pro sports betting stuff.
I HATE it.
Not only does it seem like chavvy gambling to me, but also extremely male-oriented (how many ladies do YOU know who enjoy getting into the nitty gritty of the last half hour?). I am sure there is a huge market for this, but I really wish you hadn't hijacked the poker show for it. You are sky, you set up a James Bond channel, capiche?
Your second biggest poker mtt of the week is going on right now and has barely had a mention. NOT LOVE.
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i agree. i'm watching ch3
I understand the need to show these programmes, but as they are of no interest to me I delay tuning in to 861 until after they are over. I caught the last 10 minutes of the Open Golf one a couple of weeks ago and to be honest, the "pundits" they had on had either got bored by the end of the two hours or just didn't show much knowledge of some of the players they were talking about.
It's a shame coverage of the tournaments has to suffer, by the time we got to see the main event last night it was already well into shove/fold poker, perhaps on these occasions "top of the pots" can be dropped or shown as the 7pm-8pm slot so the coverage of the main event holds up?
More tourney play or even m/c pls.
Perhaps sports betting can be given an hour slot in future?
HI Guys,
Like "the suits" Dave & I are from Yorkshire, and so it's not surprising they want to maximise their investments across the full spectrum of the gambling market, but when decisions are made purely on numbers and take no account of what their customer requirements are then, in some cases,like this one, they 'step onto a landmine' and then wonder what all the fuss is about.
To most recreational players, poker isn't gambling in the normal definition, it's having fun whilst pitting your wit and intellect against worthy adversaries and battling variance together. In my humble opinion if Sky Poker are looking to grow then they should invest in all things poker and promote themselves to the poker world, not alienate the community that's got them where they are today.
They shouldn't look to copy Pokerstars, but they could, and should learn from the things they do well and translate them into a winning formula with a British slant. We've come a long way since it all started, it would be a great shame if Sky Poker cannot exist on a stand alone 100% poker basis, because with all the shared services Sky has the costs to run the channel are extremely low when measured against any other channel, and most of them only have news programmes live.
Feel better now
Nottingham here we come
Dave & Sue