Sorry, what's that? A tournament with a guaranteed prizepool of £20,000 on the SAME weekend as the SPT? Loads of MTT regs playing live in Nottingham instead of playing on the site? Potential overlay?
You know you want it! You can register for July's £20k Super Roller HERE. And you can watch five hours of live coverage on channel 861.
I'll be joined in the studio by everyone's favourite Charlie Day lookalike:
Joe Stapleton, yesterday
Actually, talking of Charlie Day, I firmly believe this squeaky-voiced clown is the most annoying person on the planet. He's even more unbearable than one of tikay's lectures about cement. He may even be more insufferable than a trip to a DIY superstore!
Which begs the question...
Who or what puts YOU on life tilt?
Look forward to reading some of your amusing responses. By the way, best of luck to everyone playing the SPT six-max event this weekend. Obviously, we'll have some live updates from the gang in Nottingham during the show. See you on Sunday at 7pm.
Twitter: #SkyPokerTV
Will Dot I Dot Am
Nearly 40 years old and still won't use his real name. It's WILLIAM.
New irony. people pretending that the iredeemably naff is edgy, buffonery clever, the talentless worthy and the unfunny hilarious. it explains the careers of vernon kay and fearne cotton [TOTES AMAZEBALLS DARLING] two cretinous people whose cringemakingly unfunny banter is not the result of them possessing the personalities of slugs and having wit that is as sharp as brian blessed's elbow, but rather because they're being deliberately unfunny. "it's irony, man". See also students pinching traffics cones [it's conforminst in an ironic way, man], people queuing up at "GLASTO, MAN" to watch the chuckle brothers [pretending to like something pathetically dull is retro in an ironic way, man], adults wearing transformers tshirts [it's sad, but in an ironic way, man], the policial career and enduring popularity of boris johnson [idiocy is just being ironically clever, man. let's be ruled by an idiot]. meh, frankly.
people who say 'sarcasm is the lowest form of wit'. well cliche is the lowest form of rhetoric, so NERRRR.
people, generally.
and i could right an essay on pepsi-max adverts.
happy sunday everyone.
Regarding the life tilt question, I am always on life tilt, I am only 4 foot 9 so spend all day looking up at the rest of the world.
Poker related however it is plain and simple, just bad beat stories. When I first started playing I didn't mind listening to them, but they are now the most irritatingly boring stories which are told day in day out by the same players. Someone rang me the other day at 1 am to tell me he had ran JJ into QQ spiked a jack and then lost as the queens hit a straight. Then continued to advise me that they are sick of online poker as it is rigged for certain users to lose! They where still playing whilst on the phone! ........................................ These people should be put into a Zorb and rolled off a cliff.
Slightly over the top but would be a funny sight!
Kalie x
Have a great show.
Luckbox gets lucky again
WD mate gl tonight
When multi-tabling and having to run for a number 1 or 2 and sprinting back to the pc to see your AA just being folded. #shouldhaveheldon
Other football fans put me on tilt.
at a game last season people going mad at the other teams keeper for taking his time other a goal kick. We were making a sub!!
Cheers guys!