In Response to Re: Sick to my stomach!!! : Umm, touche it would seem . As a matter of interest, Don, how do you know who does or does not get given Freebies on the Community, & what their value is? They are almost never mentioned on the Community, as they are a private matter (just as well, it seems), but they happen almost every single week. Posted by Tikay10
I really have literally no quarrels with any freebies sky wish to give to any player. Its their money and can do with it as they wish. I can obviously give my opinion which may differ to that of sky and i can put that forward in constructive manner. I feel i did that in my last post. The only issue is clearly this instance its in a public eye.
In private i obviously can't give an opinion. Its none of my business.
Meh i feel like im betweena rock and a hard place with this post.
Basically Sky can spend as they see fit, i have nothing against that. However when its in the public eye, i would like to keep my right to give my opinion in a constructive manner. I assume when it comes to giving a freevbie my opinion wont change skys mind
In Response to Re: Sick to my stomach!!! : I really have literally no quarrels with any freebies sky wish to give to any player. Its their money and can do with it as they wish. I can obviously give my opinion which may differ to that of sky and i can put that forward in constructive manner. I feel i did that in my last post. The only issue is clearly this instance its in a public eye. In private i obviously can't give an opinion. Its none of my business. Meh i feel like im betweena rock and a hard place with this post. Basically Sky can spend as they see fit, i have nothing against that. However when its in the public eye, i would like to keep my right to give my opinion in a constructive manner. I assume when it comes to giving a freevbie my opinion wont change skys mind Posted by The_Don90
Hi Don,
I spent some time trying to figure out your Post, which seemed strangely defensive, & then, I think, I clicked......
I wrote "touche", not "touchy"......
I have abso no problem with you stating your view, or opinion, even if it disagrees with my view.
In Response to Re: Sick to my stomach!!! : Hi Don, I spent some time trying to figure out your Post, which seemed strangely defensive, & then, I think, I clicked...... I wrote " touche ", not "touchy"...... I have abso no problem with you stating your view, or opinion, even if it disagrees with my view. Hope you enjoyed the SPT weekend. Posted by Tikay10
Yeah I wasn't familiar with the word Touche, Dohhhhh since explained it too me. Would have changed the manner of my reply.
The SPT weekend was fantastic, met some new faces, kept up with some old ones, and overall enjoyed it. Winning the £25 Sunday game paid for it and i feel i played some good pokers too.
In Response to Re: Sick to my stomach!!! : Yeah I wasn't familiar with the word Touche, Dohhhhh since explained it too me. Would have changed the manner of my reply. The SPT weekend was fantastic, met some new faces, kept up with some old ones, and overall enjoyed it. Winning the £25 Sunday game paid for it and i feel i played some good pokers too. Looking forward to Newcastle now. Posted by The_Don90
I spent some time trying to figure out your Post, which seemed strangely defensive, & then, I think, I clicked......
I wrote "touche", not "touchy"......
I have abso no problem with you stating your view, or opinion, even if it disagrees with my view.
Hope you enjoyed the SPT weekend.