Winner to be announced in next weeks Vlog. It'll be given a S/O on my Twitter handle @CarlosSmitalosAnswers can be submitted in this thread, via PM, via a Direct MSG on Twitter, a Tweet, Email, or YouTube MSG/comment on the 7 videos released this week (Mon-Sun). Deadline is Sunday 4th Aug 23:59pm. Anyone found submitting more than one entry will only have their latest entry count.
The participants that answer all 5 questions correctly will have their names put into a hat, and drawn randomly for the winner.
The winner will recieve $25 OR a 30minute Skype StratChat on the topic of their choosing.
Good luck to everyone!
-- Question 1 --
What are the 3 boards in PLO, in which 9333 can make the nuts?
-- Question 2 --
Player A sits down at a 50p/£1 HU Cash Table, no antes, no rake. Player B is already sat w/100bb, and knows close to game-theory-optimal strategy. Player A will recieve the button on the first hand.
Given that Player A is allowed to sit down with any amount...
What is the most he can sit down with, and be forced to shove any 2, under game-theory-optimal strategy?
-- Question 3 --
You're sat in a Live MTT, in the big blind. It folds around to the small blind who's a regular at the casino, and primarily plays Live. He looks down at his cards, and announces he's got an Ace, and a '1-spotter'. He shoves All-In, for 10 big blinds. You have him covered.
You look down at A8o. Assuming that he isn't lying, what's range, and should you call?
-- Question 4 --
6max PLHE, no antes. ESS ~ 150bb.
Seat 1 - Folds.
Seat 2 - Opens for the max.
Seat 3 - Calls.
Seat 4 - 3bets to a '3/4 Pot Size Raise'
Seat 5 - Cold-4bets to a '1/2 Pot Size Raise
Seat 6 - Folds.
The action is back on Seat 2, and he decides to make a Pot-Sized Raise, effectively putting himself all-in.
In 'number of big blinds', how big is his 5bet?
-- Question 5 --
What is the technically correct term, for Seat 4 at a 9-handed table?
E.g. S9 - Big Blind.
S8 - Small Blind
S7 - Button
S6 - Cut-Off
S5 - Hijack
S4 - ???
S3 -
S2 -
S1 - (Commonly known as) Under The Gun
Is it...
A) UTG+3 (Under The Gun+3)

MP (Middle Position)
C) HJ-1 (Hijack-1)
GL everyone!
ughhhh so difficult.
Fist pumped when I saw the brainteaser hint, my Dad is a boss @ them.
But it's poker, he's far from a boss @ poker!
Can I just pay you $25 to ask you questions on Skype for half an hour? hahahaaaaaa.
Will have a crack later, gl all!
question 1 9333
theres more aswell
i aint got a clue with the others questions.
N'awww, for sure man, I always give a little leeway to any coaching sesh anyway, just trying to get back into the swing of things and all that. I have a few references if anyone needs proof that I'm just a luckboxing donk that would just be explaining to you 'what a 3bet is' :P
You'll get 'em dw, they're not as intimidating as they first look for sure. Wouldn't 999XX be much easier to write?
Question 5, Button plus 3!
Question about, game-theory-optimal strategy? Did you make this one up lol My answer is
Question "6max PLHE, no antes. ESS ~ 150bb" . No idea what PLHE or ESS is
Q3, he can't shout his ace and so is automatically mucked so you call and win, sneaky
Question 1 is a tiny bit wrong, cause the 6 suited could be out. But lets not worry about technicalities.
Q3-fold he got AA?
Q4-a guess at 13
Q5-A and B maybe
these are all just a guess.
I think the Omaha 9333 question usually includes that the 9 & one of the 3's are suited in, say, Diamonds. Gives an extra answer then.
PS - I was looking forward to meeting you at the SPT on Saturday, was a shame (for me & perhaps many others) you were unable to attend, as I was looking forward to chatting about a few things. I hope you were not indisposed.
And if the 9 is suited with a 3 then a royal flush on the board of that suit
In Omaha, you HAVE to use 2 of your hole cards, no more, no less. So if the board runs out with a royal flush, you don't have a royal flush, you don't have a straight or flush either unless you have 2 of the cards required in your hand.
You can't just have the nut flush with the lone Ax???
You're telling me THAT'S why i've been hemorrhaging money in PLO all this time?!