I often log onto the forum and see almost a daily debate over the amount of BH tournaments that are in the lobby. People claiming there arent enought freezeouts or turbo freezeouts.
Whilst I would like to see more freezeouts and turbos, I wanted an opinion on a different payout structure bounty hunter. Distributing the prize money in a different way.
The norm is for 50% of the prizepool be goes to the final payout, 50% going onto players heads.
How about 75% to the prizepool and 25% on heads?
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i think that is an ecellent idea.
Personally I would rather play one where 100% of the prize pool is in head prizes
Your suggestion of 25% on heads isn't really much of an incentive to win the head prize - It's a Bounty Hunter after all said and done, so I would prefer more on the Bounty tbh otherwise it would have to be played like a normal freezout imo.
Lets say its a £2.00 BH where £1.00 is in the prize pool and £1.00 is on heads...........
at the moment, you keep 75% of the head prize (£0.75p) and the other 25% (£0.25p) goes on your head.......If you change this to 25% of entry fee in head prizes and you keep 75% 0.75% x 25 = £0.1875p - That's only 18.75p you have won for the head prize and 0.0625p would be added to your head, so it would hardly be worth trying to win the head.
In a £20 BH @ 25% Head Prizes (£5.00) if you keep 75% of the head prize, you would only win £3.75 instead of the current £7.50 and only £1.25 would be added to your head.
Bounty hunters are fast & furious because of the added head prizes so I think I would prefer more not less.
I do think there could be other variations of Bounty Hunters though, so well done for bringing it up, I just don't think this is a realistic one imo.
Perhaps whilst we are thinking about different types of bounty hunters......Maybe if we did have one with all the prize on the head we could call them "Head Hunters" instead? - just a thought.
You're right Trev that it would have to be played pretty much like a freezeout but tbh, the BHs as they are now should pretty much be played like a freezeout, the big money will always be up top, and if you are wanting bounties, the best bounties will always be found when you go deep anyway and they get bigger.
Most of the other sites I play on just have a flat head price so it will be a £3 + £1.50 (head) + 50p rake for example. So you get the full £1.50 when you knock someone out and that doesn't increase as you/they knock more out. I probably dislike this even more than the way Sky do it cos you're still getting a big chunk of the prizepool taken away which you have little chance of seeing again cos a % isn't adding to people's heads. And obviously as the game progresses the incentive to knock someone out just gets smaller and smaller.
Take a 500 runner MTT for example with a fixed head price of £1.50.... you're diong VERY good if you can take 20 heads in that 500 runner game which means there's (480 x £1.50) £720 you've contributed to but will never see again.
In summary, 100% on heads = really bad imo
50% on heads = works quite well
25% on heads = meh, might as well just make it a freezeout and keep the extra money in the prizepool
Flat head price = hate it.
Just realised I've rambled on about utter nonsense here for no reason but I've written it now and it feels too good to delete lol so meh I'll just click 'Add Post'.
The current bounty structure here is massively popular. Tinkering was be inadvisable in my opinion.
The main event fields have already been badly dented by the unwise decision to increase buy-ins, despite the introduction of the jackpot and late reg. It would be a disaster for tournaments field sizes on Sky if a similar ill advised change put people off bounty hunters too just to please a small group of players on the forum.
The 100% bounty on the head form has been tried before, it was good fun, but turned into one huge shove-fest. It was called the Snowball Fight iirc. As an occasional fun event I think it's a good idea, but it would be madness to bring it in across the board.
I think the 75/25 split between what goes on your bounty Vs what you keep, is a little skewed though.
Not to mention the fact that the prizepool always end up insanely top heavy (which is great for me from an EV standpoint, don't get me wrong), making the final tables a total flipfest.
Overall though, the format on Sky for BH's is better than everywhere else by a country mile imo.