Sky started a thread not too long ago asking for ideas regarding info to display on users' avatars at the tables. How about an option to include your Twitter handle (next to location etc when clicking on the user name)? It would compliment the community aspect of the site - what do others think?
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Quite an interesting idea, Andy, the problem is, it is open to abuse. And if it is open to abuse, you can be sure some folks will exploit it.
We are slightly at cross purposes here guys.
A "disclaimer" solves nothing, because that is not really the problem I am alluding to.
What would happen is that Twitter Feeds promoting other stuff, some of it conflicting with this Business, would soon be ten a penny.
Twitter is largely unregulated, & it seems that anyone can set up fake accounts easily, & these can be used to promote conflicting businesses of course. That is what I am driving at.
It is not a decision for me of course, Upstairs would deal with it, but I'm pretty sure that would be their area of concern.