just entered one got down to the final 2, I was chip leader 15k chips other person had 5k so I got him to raise me all the time so I could fold, calling me mad, but 1st place was a 11£ entry to 4k turbo 2nd place was £17.20 giving me my entry and £3.80 profit after my £2.40 satellite entry
U must have a screwy loose posting this on here!
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :P
I think you'll be alright m8 they have to pay out according to what the lobby said at the time I believe. Not 100% sure though. As it's only a few quid I reckon you'll be alright.
Congrats on the bink, what was the other fella playing at? I bet he couldn't believe his luck at the time!
Prize size awareness />>>>> Stack size awareness.
Rich-Poor - you've now been registered in the main event