It really annoys me when I play the fantastic new daily £500 freeroll when half of the players are 'AWAY'. I think people should be illuminated after a certain time or until the late reg has finished in order to provide a better pot for those who actually take the time to play!
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We know it annoys many people, & try to mitigate against it, but we cannot FORCE people to take the seats they are entitled to.
Try & look at it anothwer way, to give a little balance to your annoyance.
IF (hypothetically) there is a £500 Freeroll for which 500 seats are available, then you are getting a £1 per head Freeroll. If only half the field turn up, you are now getting a £2 per head freeroll, & assuming 10% of the field get paid, in this case, 20% of the field get paid.
£2 quid beats a quid all day long, & 20% beats 10%!
Yes, it means you have some unusual dynamics to deal with until the no-shows all blind away, but it balances out really, some pain, some gain.
I hope it does not mar your enjoyemt too much, & you can accept the swings & roundabouts.
It takes no effort to unregister, and all these away players just ruins the game.
Or perhaps just boot them after 30mins?
It has never been the case, in any form of poker, Online or Live, that players entitled to play are FORCED to take their seat. How can the site possibly know if their absence is due to lack of interest, or a genuine reason, such as an internet disconnection, watching Man United, or unscheduled childbirth?
Ruin the game? Well I agree, it does not improve the game dynamics, but as I explained a few posts up, there are also considerable benefits to playing a Tourney where there are many "no-shows".
As with everything, some pros, some cons.