my records are being the first pupil to do gcse test with still another year before I leave school also I have did the most GCSE in that school and was the very first to do intermediate level maths. this school was not the standard secondry school it was used for people with behaviour problems. the poker record I say mine is being the biggest stress head when on tilt.
Just something funny i noticed, the second to last hand you showed of the primo before the break was stayorgo folding an A 10. during the break they had a recorded interview of Graham (stayandgo) saying he over plays them!
Looking forward to spending the night with you guys.... erm ...
Not wanting to deflate your ego, Rich, but someone posted on your old Timed Tourney thread that they had beaten your record.
I think you finished your Timed Tourney Challenge in September of last year and Padzz dragged it back up in January, or sometime around then, just to give you the rub-down with a better ROI...
Analyse this please. Was my mistake pre flop (bet size) or shoving the flop?. It had been an aggro table from the get go.
Main - 680221811
edit - just lost with AA v 99 in the 7.15 deepie too. Not my night, obv. Is it because I upset you Rich with the west Brom banter and you have had a word with the sky controllers?
my personal record is saving 42 penaltys in a row althrough it was only in high school and to this day it still hasnt been broken (school wise) plus it was only for fun but im happy about it looking forward to the show tonight guys Posted by keithdaly
hi rich, my personal record is as a three year old missing 42 penalties in a row.
Evening all. Just back from work and starting to enjoy the show. Quick question for Simon. Who does he think would win in a heads up match? The Million dollar man Ted DiBiase or Irwin R Shyster?
Another record I hold is not missing a WWE pay per view event since 2000, this includes 2 Wrestlemanias live and I will be going to New Orleans in April for my third
hello all enjoying the show tonight could my best poker night ever I could be breaking on of my own records this evening I entered the £500Bh the mini and a freeroll for the £2K BH and I am incredibly shocked at how well I am doing I have qualified for the £2K BH and in the £500 BH am currently 3/46 while in the mini I am 8/53. this is my best ever MTT run and will finally get me back where I was before the bad time I had all through july.
Have to laugh at Rich's quote "When you are nursing the tiniest things, great things will happen"
Mrs Fifteen would say that is how our two children have arrived.
As for my Personal Records
1) Back In the day when Pizza Hut did all you can eat for a set price at lunchtime - I had 17 slices of large Pizza and was asked to leave Mr Creosote style.
2) 12 Pints in an evening before visiting the gents. When I finally had to visit - nothing happened. Didn't get much sleep that night though.
hi again. in the last hour I was busted out of the mini going all in with A10 and was against AQ so finished 19 with a prize of 9.47+2HP and the £2K I went out early when I went all in with 109s on the turn I probably should have did the raise on the flop instead as the board was 9 high then so AQ may have folded. I am still in the £500. It was helped massively from the advice that I had of people on the forum.
Hi Rich

My claim to fame..........................
I finished above Calos Citrone at SPT Grand Final in 2011 - it's in Black & Whit for posterity on the H/Mob Website
So I would just like to say.............In Ye Face Carlos
the poker record I say mine is being the biggest stress head when on tilt.
Just something funny i noticed, the second to last hand you showed of the primo before the break was stayorgo folding an A 10. during the break they had a recorded interview of Graham (stayandgo) saying he over plays them!
Looking forward to spending the night with you guys.... erm ...
Also just got my first royal flush too :-)
Not wanting to deflate your ego, Rich, but someone posted on your old Timed Tourney thread that they had beaten your record.
I think you finished your Timed Tourney Challenge in September of last year and Padzz dragged it back up in January, or sometime around then, just to give you the rub-down with a better ROI...
Sorry Rich.
That's the thread.
Could I please have this hand analysed please from mastercash 1 on sunday night to see how I played this hand.
Hand History #677535660 (03:19 05/08/2013)
I check the turn for potcontrol/ to call a river bet/ or value bet the river if checked too. The player did like a good bluff!
hi rich, my personal record is as a three year old missing 42 penalties in a row.
hello all enjoying the show
tonight could my best poker night ever
I could be breaking on of my own records this evening I entered the £500Bh the mini and a freeroll for the £2K BH and I am incredibly shocked at how well I am doing I have qualified for the £2K BH and in the £500 BH am currently 3/46 while in the mini I am 8/53.
this is my best ever MTT run and will finally get me back where I was before the bad time I had all through july.
Just wondering around cash levels, i have about £500 of a bankroll on the site, which has just been built up.
To play 20nl, do you think this enough for 2 tabling to start with?
Also, what's the best way to readjust when you start playing a higher level?
What a night down to 1.5 blinds lying 19/19 and made it to the final table!
hi again.
in the last hour I was busted out of the mini going all in with A10 and was against AQ so finished 19 with a prize of 9.47+2HP and the £2K I went out early when I went all in with 109s on the turn I probably should have did the raise on the flop instead as the board was 9 high then so AQ may have folded.
I am still in the £500.
It was helped massively from the advice that I had of people on the forum.