Why cant people just press the fold button when they want to fold??? That is what it is there for is it not?? The reason i mention this is because i see more & more players recently just letting the time bar do it for them, they spend ages making simple decisions on every street & then when they have to fold they let the time bar time them out!!! Just press the fold button!!!!
I know more & more players now are multi tabling and mite take a bit longer to make an action on any given table, i understand this, but when it's any easy decision can we not just press the button nice & quickly, surely this would speed the game up a tad & also for the multi tablers you'll be able to get more hands in per hour....more hands equals more potential cash for points so this also favours you aswell!!!
Moral of the my story, if you have a simple fold!!! Just press the god dam button!!! lol