why cant some peope lose with some dignity?
i was big big chip leader in the affordable deep stack and hit 5's on button. as usual put in a raise and re-raised all in by some1 with less than half my stack.(i wont name them as they post on here and is an orfordite i do believe!)
my 5's held up but i noticed later scrolling through the chat box that they weren't very happy with my call.
my point is, whether or not the call was wrong accept it without being a baby.
ps i know the tournament is still going on but wanted to get that of my chest lol
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I agree with the call! nice to see a poker related post along with an irrelevant moan, its a step in the right direction at least!
Good call! - but cmon let him lose however he wants who cares, just get on with it.
had ks 5 hnds out of 13 lost em all amazing odds but i took it gracefully