MIckeyBSmall blind 100.00100.004100.00pogmanBig blind 200.00300.002165.00 Your hole cards
BBB56Fold owenzFold STEVEIOWCall 200.00500.002645.00
diablo_pezAll-in 3075.003575.000.00MIckeyBFold pogmanFold STEVEIOWAll-in 2645.006220.000.00Flop
diablo_pezWinPair of 9s230.00 230.00STEVEIOWWinPair of Aces5990.00 5990.00
Just seemed like a massive move with a middle pair in an unraised pot especially when you weren't short etc. Did you think of making a smaller raise to find out where you were?
how was this guy playing pre your all in move? have you stolen/ made the all in move alot?/ been ultra aggresive?
If you went for the standard pre flop raise, although the K came you could got him off his hand on the flop since you had position.
It just seems a lot to risk - 3k to steal 500.
eg, i just had JJ in BB with 1.6k button raised 4x BB to 400 and i knew he was stealing, i put him all in and he calls with K 9 off, needless to say he hit his K. I just added a note on him and will get him back in a different tourney.
maybe if i flat call his raise I could of got off the hand, but this guy had been raising previous with rag cards so I figured it was worth the move.