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Master Cash 12/12/09 - Make Your Play TWO

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
edited January 2010 in Poker Chat

I like this one!

We are playing £0.50 - £1.

Villain 1 (£42) is seriously tight.

Villain 2 (£75) is SOLID.

Hero has £55, and the BUTTON.

Hero is dealt 7h, 8h.

It's 6 way action so far, all having Called a £3 bet from UTG.

SB now makes it an unpassable £7.

Villain 1 (Mr Tight) now jams for £39......

Villain 2 (Mr Solid) now has a little dwellage, then jams for £72!

Everyone else runs away screaming.

So what do we do with our £52 & 7h 8h on the Button?


Call All-In.

Vote NOW.

Please assume all players are properly rolled for £0.50 £1.


  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited December 2009
    I think that I must be missing something here.
    I'm folding this without giving it a second thought.
    I've invested £3 in the hope of catching a big draw in a multi-way pot - the perfect scenario for a drawing hand in position.
    Now, a tight player has gone all-in and a solid player has gone all-in after him so I'm putting them on two over-pairs to my cards so I think that I'm 4/1 to win the hand and getting nowhere near the correct pot odds. The small blind may also come into the pot so the pot odds may increase (and my odds of winning the hand will probably stay about the same) but I'm never going to be getting the right odds to call.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009

    I just fold. I have to beat 2 players which means I need to make a straight, or fh to win, flush may not even be good enough and its huige odds on one has an overpair. Maybe if they both have pocket aces I call...haha. If it was a tounry Im calling, but its real money - and theres easier ways to make it.

    The table is obviously full of passive players, 6 callers pre flop for 3xbb, I fold, immediately reload to the maximum buy in, tighten up, and enjoy probably the easiest game of poker I'm likely to find at this level.

  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited December 2009
    Again MereNovice steals my thunder, button position doesn't matter as it is all in or nothing and I am not getting enough odds to call what is a long shot.

    Reminder to Tikay of his AA beaten by 56 the other day in a deepstack, I am certain TK is folding here as well.

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009

    DOHH!! Been refreshing the page constantly in anticipation of make your play 3, its only a 2 hour show! haha dnt I feel a clown :(
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Master Cash 12/12/09 - Make Your Play TWO:
    DOHH!! Been refreshing the page constantly in anticipation of make your play 3, its only a 2 hour show! haha dnt I feel a clown :(
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Good read - it's a 2 hour Show, so only 2 Questions today.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited December 2009

    Dohhhh - surprised you've not Posted on the Total Player thread (stickied at the top of the page).

    Free trip to Vegas of no interest?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009

    I haven't read it properly yet TK was gonna watch the show tonight first then see what its all about. I'll have a look now.

    Heard you mention the other day that GREGGHOGG had gone to vegas with you, n he plonked himself nxt to me at a cash table the other day, obviously after the easy money again ;) lol

    Didn't realise he had played in the main event at the WSOP!!!! WOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!

    Watched the film about him on youtube, thats amazing i'd never have known!!

    I'll read about it this afternoon and be watching tonight.

    Cheerz, DOHH
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited December 2009
    I would be very very tempted to call here. First shover is so nitty that he has to be strong - must be a high pp. The solid player knows this (hence he's solid) and his reshove is to isolate as he has a hand that is probably also a high pp. What better hand to 'have a gamble' and bust high pp's than good old suited connectors! As Im well rolled for this, I can easily reload and the chance to take on 2 x prob high pp's or 2 players who may well be counterfeiting each other with suited connecting cards is very tempting.

    I call.
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited December 2009
    As they say in Monty Python "RUN AWAY!!!".  I'm folding this one in a heartbeat. IMO at least one of them has a high PP so I would need miracle cards to win.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited December 2009
    I fold

    Although 78hearts is a lovely hand to crack overpairs, and im defo up against two overpairs here, this is just a gamble and i dont think i have the correct odds.

    However, like Phil i might be tempted to call if im feeling lucky. hehe
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited December 2009
    Get rid of em faster than a fasty thing messrs tight and solid have a hand.
  • AskiAski Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2009
    As someone who is not very good at cash (not good at any other form of poker either when I think about it :) ) I must be missing something, as from a pure poker point of view this looks such an obvious fold, that I am folding here and then watching the flop come up with something like 3 7's or 3 8's :).

    Aski :)
  • DiggerManDiggerMan Member Posts: 1,027
    edited December 2009
    I can't knock Phil's assessment of the hand, he is the hero of Team Orford after all, but I'm folding this one!
  • clueless10clueless10 Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2009
    I may not have the greatest poker mind (those who know me say I have no mind), but I'm out of there faster than I get to the bar when last orders are called. There will always a better position to get your money in.
  • LadyFingrsLadyFingrs Member Posts: 613
    edited December 2009

  • apollo_11apollo_11 Member Posts: 969
    edited December 2009
    Definate fold.
    No need to say more.
  • RattiousRattious Member Posts: 382
    edited December 2009
    Safe to assume V2 has something.. I think acting early he wanted to see a flop to improve and wanted to build a pot worth betting at if he does.  So big Ace?

    V1 doesnt have enough equity at the table to call the reraise and to then get anyone off the pot, he can pass though but doesnt.  He knows V2probably wont call either now there is some money in the middle. So by jamming V1 is protecting something and makes V2 isolate or get out the way.  V1 is happy to take this now or to get action from maybes 1 player  - I am leaning towards a small PP or Big Slick.

    Neither Villian is asking for a call.  The small blind asked a question and got two answers, they didnt ask it loud enough to be massive in my opinion.  If I call I think they have the odds to call too, raising to 7 was odd and could have been an awful attempt to take the pot preflop, or could have been pot building, it certainly wasnt protecting anything. They could be holding any two and after that bet I am not convinced they will call even if they should.

    I call - I hope the small bb gets out the way, and I half expect to see 2 x AK - if not, its AK and I hope an underpair from V1 & V2.  If the small blind comes along I wont be surprised to see KJ.

    I know I have to hit but I have more outs than a naughty dog and 5 cards to improve my lot.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited December 2009
    fold,why risk 50 bb on a hand hoping to get lucky better spots imo
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited December 2009
    I want to call, I really, really want to call.  But since I have put so little into the pot so far it's too much of a gamble so I fold, no I call, no I fold, yes, I really fold. (or call).

  • NorbitNorbit Member Posts: 490
    edited December 2009
    Isnt this the most obvious fold ever?

    If you was the rr with AA and saw the buttom flip over suited connectors and bust you, you would feel sick.

    I feel the way you are writing this as sort of a trick question...

    'So what do we do with our £52 & 7h 8h on the Button?'

     as if the fact we're on button makes a difference here?? were could be anywere facing 2 all ins and fold 78.
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