In Response to Re: Thurs night Live Show with Fowler and Ryan ***official show thread*** 7pm Ch861 : Hi Anna, You will enjoy every minute of your wedding day,it will stay with you until yuur last breath! Just remember, Marriage has it's ups and downs, in and outs! It is a game of give and take! As long as you both shall compromise , it will last forever. I am living proof! Got married in 1964 March 28th! 47 years going onto 48 A son and a daughter, 6 grand sons, 2 great grand daughters,and a great grand son! Posted by wynne1938
In Response to Re: Thurs night Live Show with Fowler and Ryan ***official show thread*** 7pm Ch861 : Hi Anna, You will enjoy every minute of your wedding day,it will stay with you until yuur last breath! Just remember, Marriage has it's ups and downs, in and outs! It is a game of give and take! As long as you both shall compromise , it will last forever. I am living proof! Got married in 1964 March 28th! 47 years going onto 48 A son and a daughter, 6 grand sons, 2 great grand daughters,and a great grand son! Posted by wynne1938
In Response to Re: Thurs night Live Show with Fowler and Ryan ***official show thread*** 7pm Ch861 : Hi Anna, You will enjoy every minute of your wedding day,it will stay with you until yuur last breath! Just remember, Marriage has it's ups and downs, in and outs! It is a game of give and take! As long as you both shall compromise , it will last forever. I am living proof! Got married in 1964 March 28th! 47 years going onto 48 A son and a daughter, 6 grand sons, 2 great grand daughters,and a great grand son! Posted by wynne1938
Sorrry Anna, Just got reminded,it is 49 years going onto 50!
I married my best friend and being Mrs Bromley is the best feeling in the world. I pinch myself every morning at my run good!
I will pass on to you the advice that was passed down to me. Make a pact to meet the new Mr Fowler on the hour, every hour on your wedding day. Time passes in a flash and there are so many demands on your time that if you don't make the effort to meet, the day may well finish without you spending it together.
Have the most wonderful day and our best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous future.
In Response to Re: Thurs night Live Show with Fowler and Ryan ***official show thread*** 7pm Ch861 : I think you're (probably) too late. Is your name Mario, by any chance? I was chatted up by a girl at a poker table once. She was similar to you... ...well, she wasn't 6'3"... and she wasn't half Spanish. To be fair, she wasn't 'amazing' either... She was definitely drunk, though. Posted by BorinLoner
My names Marcus,.................Marcus Jose ********. But in all fairness this is silly internet drunkness...B my original point........
In Response to Re: Thurs night Live Show with Fowler and Ryan ***official show thread*** 7pm Ch861 : Last chance... ;-) Enjoy yourself, remember the experience, most of all don't worry about the photography. See you on the other side Mrs. Bugaj! Posted by Machka
Hi guys, great show as per ususal.. Quick question for rye rye!!! Heard you say it a few times now but what does the term "cold" mean when cold calling??
New Aliases? Ten characters or fewer, remember:
AnnaFowler is ten characters but who would want to be called that? (Are you changing "Fowler"?)
Tikay was calling you 'Shrilly' the other day. That's a good alias.
RowdyRoddy is one I like. Always reminds me of you.
You will enjoy every minute of your wedding day,it will stay with you until yuur last breath!
Just remember, Marriage has it's ups and downs, in and outs!
It is a game of give and take!
As long as you both shall compromise , it will last forever.
I am living proof!
Got married in 1964 March 28th!
47 years going onto 48
A son and a daughter, 6 grand sons, 2 great grand daughters,and a great grand son!
wp wynne
Just got reminded,it is 49 years going onto 50!
2- 6FT3
3- Half spanish (my moms spanish)
I was chatted up by a girl at a poker table once. She was similar to you...
...well, she wasn't 6'3"... and she wasn't half Spanish. To be fair, she wasn't 'amazing' either...
She was definitely drunk, though.
Last chance...
Enjoy yourself, remember the experience, most of all don't worry about the photography.
See you on the other side Mrs. Bugaj!
Bye bye Anna. Enjoy your wedding and your time away.

Hopefully people will still remember you when you return: We might have another "Get rid of the new presenter" thread.
Ta ta.
Bye Bye Ryan.
See you next week.