Well, that's because it is...

Yes, Stuart returns to channel 861 this weekend.
So, have a flutter with Rutter, play the £10k Primo, and watch our continuous coverage between 8pm and midnight (between 7pm and 8pm, we'll review the final table of Thursday's £12k Sky Sports Bounty Hunter).
Obviously, Stuart has a great poker mind, and is awesome at breaking down tournament strategy, so UTILISE his expertise.
We need questions, and we need Hand IDs - from the Primo, Mini Primo or the Master Cash tables on Sunday night.
E-mail: skyopen@bskyb.com
Twitter: #SkyPokerTV
Keep the rutterly terrible puns coming
Did you know: RUTTER means "something that finds a way"
I'm sure there'll be comments on this thread about poker, eventually. Good to see you back, Stuart. Don't be jealous of the attention, James.
#681026444 master cash2,i just want to see what he had. he said he had aa in chat. to be honest i was on conplete tilt ready to set the chips on fire.
This is the most interesting question I could come up with:
James, I know you're somewhat familiar with large poker tournaments, and Stuart has played his fair share. We all know that poker tournaments are very high variance and we've all seen... less than brilliant players win them. How much of an achievement it is to win any given tournament is a matter that interests me.
So, if I gave each of you a choice, which of these two options would make you more proud? Which would feel like the bigger achievement?:
1) You win a major poker tournament for £2 million but spend the next five years losing half of it at the cash tables.
2) You win £1 million as an anonymous online player at the cash tables over the next five years but achieve no tournament results.
Obviously winning consistently at the cash tables means you're a good player but nobody will really care. If you win the tournament but lose at cash, you're probably not so good, though other people will believe otherwise.
Enjoying the show guys. Don't stay away so long next time, Stuart.
You might want to reconsider singing the theme tune to Chucklevision, lest some people start to make the obvious comparisons, James...

...or should that be Barry?
Like the point you made about multitabling different disciplines.
As it happens my most successful night on ther site was playing 2 tournaments and final tabling both picking up my biggest pay day. But this was playing NLHE and PLO at the same time. Despite the good run i vowed to never do it again because it came close to blowing my mind having to switch mindsets continually.
Enjoying the show keep up the good work
with the flop showing trips you could say the board is just like preflop so when I do the call on the flop was I ok to then jam the turn or should I have just called the turn that too.
If I won £2 million in a tournament, I'd then be the richest player playing 2p/4p.
I have just had a mental breakdown when in a good position in tonights primo. I am unable to explain why i have lost the plot but i am so upset with myself. madness on my part and i just wanted to shout at myself AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH
great show but i am going to be regretting this for days
jackpot...none left james
It's a game I want to learn, so do either of you have a suggestion of a good Stud book? Does such a thing exist?