Get ready for another live blast from 861.
7pm – Midnight 20.8.13 Ch. 861.
With your hosts:
Richard Orford

(pictured here staring through the cockpit of The Millenium Falcon)
and Jessie Pinkman from Breaking Bad
also known as Redmond Lee
On offer:
Full highlights from Sunday's Primo final table at 7pm and live action from the £4K Turbo Open main event from 8, plus coverage of the Mastercash tables.
Get all your banter, questions, hand requests etc. etc to us either on this thread, via email or via Twitter #skypoker
This was the sporting picture of the weekend...
So, Arsenal haven't spent any money and are now regretting it. Have you ever done the same?
What have you not bought or not spent money on that you wish you had? (All answers, poker and non-poker welcome)
Looking forward to your answers!
Get your thoughts down and see you tonight at 7!
Very good.
Right, what about the rest of you? Unless of course, you just want to hear EveningAll's message read out on loop throughout the night!
I had to put down £100 deposit to get the mortgage.
I could not borrow the money, my wages were £8 per week,I worked for Kodak in Harrow and Wealdstone.
So I had to give it up.
That house today is worth £350,000.
Letting you know I satelited into the £55 bounty hunter yesterday for £6
This was my first attempt at a big mtt and I went out in 7th place. 1 before scotty77. I took 5 bounties and got a good roi
Would just like to thank everyone for the friendly banter
Tournament ID: 8268695
A player who was away for the whole FT cashed for £4.40 in 3rd.
nice hand tonight's main
Not posted b4 today now twice in 1 evening.
Would love to play the spt but would Redmond recommend this as a good idea for someone whos never played live b4. Especially as its a fairly large buy in.
Or should Ijust DO IT and try to enjoy the experience.
aircon08. By the way Richard its aircon08 because im a refrigeration engineer.
I'd like to hear Redmond's opinion on blind versus blind play. So two questions:
1) Readless, would Redmond be raising from the big blind every time that it's folded to the small blind and he limps?
My thoughts are that we're actually in a better position here than when we're on the button and decide to isolate a limper: We are certain to have position post-flop and are up against only one opponent with a very weak range - Does Redmond agree?
2) Readless, would Redmond be raising every time it's folded to him in the small blind?
Obviously this is far less profitable than the situation in the big blind, but does Redmond think it's a profitable default line to raise the small blind with any two cards, assuming that either the big blind folds pre-flop or folds to a c-bet a lot of the time?
(Both questions assume we're playing deep effective stacks)
Cheers gents.