My Best 2 results in over two years and I still get me backside kicked lol Why couldn't you have picked another night to equal the record? lol Well Played Tsaaaaar Posted by POKERTREV
UL Trev, watched you both alot last nite, You Both Played Exceptionally well, fine lines of Luck, but to get there Tremendous play in 3 Tournies!!
My Best 2 results in over two years and I still get me backside kicked lol Why couldn't you have picked another night to equal the record? lol Well Played Tsaaaaar Posted by POKERTREV
Mon 19-8-13, Team Points awarded as follows...
Team Runners Wins TeamPTS LeaguePTS
HitSquad Jams 25 2 28 7
Poker Titans 18 - 15 6
Team51 6 - 5 5
HitSquad Donks 15 - 5 4
Knight Poker 8 - 4 3
Diamond 5 - - 2
Dragons 6 - - 1
Alchemy 1 - - 0
T-Munky 1 - - 0
Ninja Plonkers 1 - - 0
BringIT 1 - - 0
11 Teams represented, & Numbers are UP!!!
Forum DTD Team League Table Week 3 August
Team Runners Wins TeamPTS LeaguePTS
HitSquad Jams 76 6 68 21
Poker Titans 56 - 38 18
HitSquad Donks 43 - 20 13
Dragons 22 1 14 11
Team51 28 1 9 8
Knight Poker 20 1 7 7
Ninja Plonkers 3 - 3 4
Diamond 17 - - 3
BringIT 3 - - 0
T-Munky 2 - - 0
Alchemy 1 - - 0
1 more Monday Left in August League, GL ALL
Why couldn't you have picked another night to equal the record? lol
Well Played Tsaaaaar
WP BOTH Trev & Nick!!
Hi All!!
Sry, DTD admins & Me, did not forward DTD prize winners from last week, so here they are with this weeks winners as well..
Now, ....As there No £33 BH this Saturday because of UKOPS Main??
[they would like entry to that if possible?], if not...
....maybe an equivalent could be arranged for..
Tsaaaar & Wilhelm, Sky to advise which tournie & when??
The DTD free entries for next week are
The Hitman