I play mainly Dyms on here and am pretty knowledgable on decent ROI's in them.
However, I don't have a clue when it comes to tournaments.
Can anyone give me an idea of what would be considered a good ROI in tourneys?
From a very small sample (197 games) I'm at 55% at them at the moment. These are at low stakes as well. I think my average buy in is about £6. I think I read on another thread someone having a ROI of around 100% which seems pretty insane.
A few years ago tournaments were all I played online and I've started to get the bug again.
Any help appreciated
Nice one
It will depend a lot on what your av buy in is and what site you play on. Also I would think about hourly rate, some people think they are amazing but are one tabling so while their ROI looks amazing, their hourly rate would not be!
What you could do is pick decent regs at the stakes you play and see what their ROI is.
I have no idea what a decent ROI would be, 55% would definitely be very impressive. There will always be players who have some crazy ROI over a small sample size. Maintaining it over a decent sample size is whats key along with playing enough tables to get a good enough hourly rate.
So in answer to your question, just like the answer to most poker questions, is it depends!
You only need one decent cash to give you a + ROI over 50/100 games.
It all depends on your field size in your typical MTT. The more entrants, the higher the variance, the bigger sample size you need.
Google is your friend. Upwards of 1k is starting to get there for reasonable field size, but even then it's really hard to pin down an accurate ROI.
In the interest of balance, we now await a response from Mr Bates.
And yes, I am still very very bitter I wasn't in Vegas this year!
And I have only bricked 4 SPTs so far!