Can this be for real? I understand about variance but this is too much surely. 5 Weeks ago I lost 3 times in a very short space of times KK v AA allin pre. I decided to keep a count and since then this has happened.
With KK. Dealt 29 times. THIRTEEN TIMES lost v AA. 2x lost v AQ aipf for good measure, lost another two calling allins and opponent hitting sets. Four times opponent hitting draws when i have priced them out.
AA v KK. Dealt AA 21 times. 2x v KK and lost both, not to mention first time to knock me out a big tourny in 7th when had they held I would have been chip leader with 6 left and a nice juicy bounty. 2nd time again for a big pot and a big bounty.
Yea I know people will say unlucky but its so frustrating, especially the only times its been the other way around ive lost them too for important pots.
Painful, but clusters of bad luck are standard and this is too small a sample to mean anything.
These days I've learned to consider AA v KK (in shallow-stacked situations) as a flip.
Why a flip? Well, all the chips are going in no matter what. The flip occurs when the deck is shuffled; you have a 50% chance of being the guy who picks up AA, a 50% chance of being the guy who picks up KK.
What happens after that is in the hands of the poker gods. Over tens of thousands of hands the stats will regress to the mean; You will be the guy with AA 50% of the time, you will the guy with KK 50% of the time. Whoever holds the AA will win 82% of the pots, whoever holds KK 18% of the pots. ie It all evens out eventually.
the way GaryQQQ has described it is very good...just treat it as a 50/50 flip,which it is...over time.
the way I now look at it is KK & AA are just 1 pair and it looks good pre-flop but that doesn't matter...
if you play the hand out(either by going aipf or through the streets,)it's still only 1 pair at the end of the hand most times,and your opponent/opponents are likely to improve a good percentage of the time,or so it seems
I now play AA & KK strong pre-flop,and after that...well it's in the hand of the gods...most of the time.
I am happy going aipf with AA... obviously.
with KK I vary it,sometimes I do sometimes I just raise big and take it from there.maybe you could do the same,or something similar. you don't have to get attached to them...every time....I don't.
ps; I had AA aipf the other night v 10 10 & 33 ... yeah you guessed it, flop 10 3 X xx lol (just not fair this game
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