I trust you're enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend. The weather may be a tad disappointing, but who cares when you've got...
And the highlight of the four-day festival is the £25,000 Guaranteed UKOPS Main Event. Register NOW.
Suffice to say, Sunday's live TV show will be dedicated to this tournament. If you're planning to enter, or attempting to satellite in, please let us know. During the programme, tweet your progress and e-mail your Hand IDs, so we can analyse your play.
After UKOPS wraps, the second season of the Sky Poker Premiership "kicks off." As you may know, I'm the General Manager & Chief Operating Officer of The Purples. In the last 24 hours, Mr Stapleton has accepted the post of Executive Vice President & Director of Player Personnel.
However, as we'll both be in Spain for the next two weeks, we urgently need to hire someone to oversee our all-important matches and motivate the team. On Sunday's show, I'll explain HOW we intend to recruit an Assistant General Manager.
By the way, The Purples already have an official mascot...
But we still need words of inspiration. So, please come up with a great motivational slogan for The Purples. (Feel free to borrow an existing catchphrase, or nick a line from a famous speech!)
See you on Sunday at 7pm on channel 861.
E-mail: skyopen@bskyb.com
Twitter: #SkyPokerTV
"Oh look at all the lonely Purple, where do they all belong?"
(Of course now I fully expect to be allocated to Team Purple!)
James I know, I know, I know times are changing.
It's time we all reach out for something new,
That means you too.
You say you want a leader,
But you can't seem to make up your mind.
I think you better close it,
And let me guide you to the purple rain.
That Button was originally installed so we could all ignore Orford.
Am playing the 7.30 & 8.15.
Will play a few Satellites for the Main, too, if time permits. Am busy preparing & researching my NFL portfolio for the upcoming Season. We ought to do an NFL Betting Preview Show, with some experts, eh?
Hope to play well today
I am adding value to all the UKOPS events
Can't wait for tonight sooooooooooooooo excited!!