I know I have read something along these lines somewhere else but I cant find it so I thought I would start a little moan of my own.
Firstly, I would like to say after playing the new software for a couple of weeks now I find it vastly improved. The auto top up has been particularly helpful :-S.
The one complaint I would have is that the colours could do with 'boldening' up a little. It all seems a bit greyey bluey. My eyesight is top notch but I do find myself betting in to a flop thinking I am against one villain only to find someone else has called and its three way. Dunno if that's just my problem or maybe the cards are a little camouflaged. Never had that problem with the old software and I haven't seemed to have 'got used' to it yet. Its not like I am playing more tables or doing anything differently to what I used to but it is a little problem that keeps occurring.
Maybe a bolder colour scheme and slightly larger or brighter cards would help?
As I say, it has largely been a huge success thus far and many kudos to the people who have worked on this. Congratulations on it.
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I have said it in a post i put up, the colours all blends together and i also find it difficult to to see sometimes.
other than that find the new tables brill.
keep the improvements coming sky, they can only improve the site.
Goodluck everyone