Have to say that synchronised breaks, since introduced, have been a HUGE success on Sky Poker!
The only thing that is needed now is that ALL mtts should have a break, as I am unsure which one's do and which one's don't, which sometimes means that I blind out of a Sat during the "wee" break!
Good OP, been meaning to start a thread of this nature for a while!
The ME Sats appeared to have timed breaks in them, which caused much consternation with 2 places left to bust when the Mrs was sitting waiting for me to give her a lift!
I think UKOPS means more sats than normal, and more overlap, so would make sense to add in a break I think.
Personally i would like to see them in DYM's too, i know not many people agree but there are quite a few of us who multi table DYM's while playing tournies and it gets quite annoying after a few hours
I think UKOPS means more sats than normal, and more overlap, so would make sense to add in a break I think.