plus the fact you have come out and said that you have "found" the password for a tournament that you were not eligible to play! About as dumb as your thread!
i wouldnt of said that tbh lol ya gonna get loads of pm now to say what is it and people on the table pretending to be ya best buddy who ya dnt even know Posted by IDONKCALLU
i already know that, dont mind i asked for it earlier and know one would help. was a little angry as iv played with them before...
In Response to Re: finally got the password for the half time FR : i already know that, dont mind i asked for it earlier and know one would help. was a little angry as iv played with them before... Posted by randyrambo
Why should people give you a password when you are not eligible to play though??? You beg for a password, then when nobody gives you it (quite rightly) you throw your teddy out of the pram and say "f the lot of us".......charming man!