What a disappointment, the jury is out!! The results in the other two games depend on the allegiance of players I couldn't place. Final Scores Yellow 26 - 68 Green (6pts unallocated) Red 22 - 52 Purple (26pts unallocated) Blue 40 - 53 White (7pts unallocated) From the reds vs purples 2 gr8gr £85 + 10 points 7 scampy_008 £25 + 3 points 8 No_Jacks £20 + 3 points 11 roy1946 £10 + 1 point 17 porter1989 £3 + 1 point 19 pmallin £3 + 1 point 22 Anthony99 1 point 28 V3rt1c4l 1 point 29 nye12 1 point 37 liammc123 1 point 40 L_Dog 1 point 42 stall3y 1 point 45 Rushton121 1 point From whites vs blues 11 Wavill £10 + 1 point 12 andy140 £10 + 1 point 23 bornablade 1 point 30 gaz1960 1 point 35 jayb771921 1 point 38 scrumdown 1 point 42 Scorpius 1 point Posted by bbMike
I may well stand corrected, but I was watching the last 4 and got the impression they were all purples. Posted by calcalfold
If gr8gr turns out to be purple, you'll be quite correct. If so it's a real purple wash. Annoying not to have 100% player lists, they'll get tighter match by match.