As many of you know, Ryan is playing EPT Barcelona, his first EPT main Event.
He is now IN THE MONEY, with €8,500 Guaranteed.
He's caked up, too - 450,000 @ 2,500/5,000, which is around 90 Bigs, so he could well go a lot deeper.
I'll try & keep the thread updated with his progress, if you hear anything, please do the same.
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If you are a Twitterer, Ryan's moniker is @RyanSpittles, & he is Updating his progress on there, too.
First prize?
haha would be a nice bink!
On Ryan's Twitter feed this morning, he Tweeted this.....
Cheers for all the good luck messages. On the way here I found 50€ on the floor with no one around. First reply with a charity name gets it!
Karma time!
Too late I'm afraid, he donated to two Charities, the first two to apply both got €25, being Cancer Research & Prostate Cancer.
Thanks for reply
All the best Rainman 397
You've never seen a fifty......
Nothing much has happened since that AK hand.
330k going into 3/6. Still tonnes of room!