#687351700 Borinloner now doesn't mind the hand being shown, as I put him in "an interesting spot" and he needs the help. Any chance we could cover up my hand? Mastercash 2 btw Posted by Wilhelm
Any chance we can cover my cards for the entire hand, including showdown? No? *sigh*
while playing on a pinball machine the leg fell off it and put me on tilt !! lol. great show guys. sorry about last post im an idiot at the best of times.
10:01 PM main mini both % main in mini entered 376 560 182 48 left 55 103 4 mrweeve 20 92 NIHIGHGUN 23 15 shirley02 24 31 PokerNo7 37 16 Posted by aussie09
cheers for the anaylsis tikay.. i was taking a shot out my bankroll to get on tv lol no seats anywere else.. new to here but loving my first week.. guna get back to grinding the 4p8p and 5p10p great show cheers lads
The QJ hand...
thought the fella had to have the 8 to make the str8
Just couldnt see him betting that big on THAT wet a board w/o it
Silly me
Borinloner now doesn't mind the hand being shown, as I put him in "an interesting spot" and he needs the help.
Any chance we could cover up my hand?
Mastercash 2 btw
none left
Rumour has it that Richards Yellows bottled it!
...you're not getting a fiver, though.